ABBA Caving

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Pakratt's POV

I was working on Guudeland like usual. I was working on fixing KOTL.... again. The guys had played it yesterday and broke a few ladders and there were arrows everywhere. I wish they would clean up after themselves.
"HEY PAK" I hear someone yell which startles me. I loose my grip and fall. I hit the bottom of KOTL. I re-spawn in my bed.

I head back out with a sigh. BTC runs up to me.
"I'm so sorry." BTC says
"It's ok Blame, what did you need by the way?" I say
"I wanted to know if you want to do an ABBA rules with me, but with a twist."
"What is the twist?" I ask curious
"Who ever wins has to do one thing for the other person, no matter what it is."
"Alright ill do it." I say
"Awesome I already know a cave we can go to."
"Ok give me a minute I need to get my silk touch pick and armor." I say walking towards my storage room. I grab my diamond armor, silk touch pick, efficiency pick, and my diamond sword. I head back out and we set off to find the cave.

We set our spawn out side the cave. I set a timer.
"Ok. Ready. Set. Go" I say and we both run in to the cave. It splits into two directions. I go down one Blame goes down the other. I find lapis and gold. I head further down and find 8 diamonds and a bunch of red stone.

When time is up I message Blame on my wrist COM
P: times up let's meet on the surface
B: k see you soon.
P: yup

I start digging up. I get to the surface and sit and wait. Blame shows up ten minute later.
"What took you so long?" I ask
"I got pretty far away and dug up under a lake."
"Oh, ok."
I stand up and place two chests. I put all my stuff in one of them. Blame does the same.

I ended up with 18 diamonds, 2 and a half stacks of red stone, a stack of lapis, 45 gold, and 5 emeralds. All around a good hall. I'm confident that ill win, till I look at Blames chest. He has 25 diamonds, 4 stacks of red stone, 56 lapis, 56 gold, and 4 emeralds.
"Wow" Is all I say.
"Umm. I think I won" Blame says
"Ya I think so." I say
Blame takes everything except a pity diamond.
"So what do I have to do?" I ask. Hopefully it isn't something to embarrassing.
"Hmm." Blame says stroking his none existent beard.
"I've got it" He says and steps closer to me so he is basically touching me. My heart starts pounding. I wonder what he has planned.

Blame leans in and puts his lips against mine. I'm absolutely shocked. I didn't know Blame liked me. I kiss back gently. I put my arms on his waist and he puts his arms on my shoulders. We pull away for air. I rest my forehead against his.
"I didn't know you liked me" I say which causes him to shiver.
"I have for a while. I just didn't know you liked me too." Blame admits.
"You should have just told me." I say with a smile
"Ya, maybe"
I lean in and kiss him again, he knots his fingers in my hair and deepens the kiss. we stay like that for a long time. it's just me and him and I'm ok with that. He is all I will ever need.

Hey guys Bubbles here. so I wanted to write something and i was really bored in class but I didn't want to work on either of my story's so this happened. So ya, hope you guys enjoy and such and I'm still taking requests. BYE!!!! :)

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