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Hey guys Bubbles here! so here you go @hostilederp I really hope you enjoy, I'm gonna go cry in a corner now... BYE!!!! :(

(Also sorry for the spam of stuff today, I've been in the writing mood.)

(Warning- violence)
(Warning- character death)

Zisteau's POV

Me and Kurt were walking hand in hand. I had finally convinced Kurt to make the trip with me to visit my parents. It was a long trip, but we were going to make it together, side by side.

We stood at the exit to the nether hub.

"You sure your ok with this?" I ask

"Yes Z, I'm positive. It'll be nice to meet your parents, especially since you already meet mine." Kurt says with a smile

"Ok... let's get going then." I say and we set off.

This trip takes about 5 hours of walking. I hadn't been back to the nether in a long time, so I have to re-adjust to the sounds and smells of it. I'm already used to the heat, Kurt on the other hand is sweating like a pig.

"You ok?" I ask

"Just.... hot" Kurt says

"Why don't you take off your trench coat."

"Eh, I'm fine"

Kurt can be so stubborn some times. I stop walking and put my hands on Kurt's shoulders.

"Kurt, please... take of the coat." I say

"Fine" Kurt replies with a sigh.

Kurt takes off the coat and puts it in his inventory.

"Thank you" I say and kiss his head.

We continue our walk. Kurt ends up taking off everything but his white button down and rolls up his pants.

I forgot how bad my urges get when I'm in the nether... my home. I keep looking at Kurt, and I want him so bad.... but I refuse to let my urges get the best of me. I've gone for 3 years without an outbreak, yes I've had urges but I'm better than that.

We had been walking for 3 hours. Kurt had his white button up sleeves rolled up past his elbows and his pants rolled up to his knees.

"Kurt, why don't we stop for a little while." I suggest

"Sure" Kurt says

I dig a small alcove in a wall and we sit down. I pull out 2 water bottles and 2 loaves of bread. I hand 1 of each to Kurt.

"Thanks" Kurt says

"No problem" I say

I look at Kurt... I have to suppress the urges, I can do this. I need to keep calm, if I don't I might end up hurting him. The urges feel stronger than I ever remember them being.

"Was there supposed to be a full moon tonight?" I ask

"Umm... yeah there was. why?" Kurt says

That explains it.

"I'm not trying to scare you but, I'm having the urges again.... and the full moon makes them worse, especially in the nether."

"Oh, ummm."

"Don't worry to much Kurt, I've gone 3 years without an outbreak, I promise I can handle this."

"Ok" Kurt says, but there is a nervous look in his eyes.

We both finish and start walking again. Another hour passes and I can tell when it hits midnight, when the moon is highest.

"K-K-Kurt... we need to stop... please" I say doubling over, trying to resist this terrible urge I have.

"Ok" Kurt says and puts a hand on my shoulder.

All I can think of is Kurt's hands in so many other places, and him begging for me... NO stop, I can't, I really can't, its not right.

"Z? are you ok?" Kurt asks

I notice I'm shaking. I shake my head. I collapse to the ground. I can't take much more...

Kurt squats in front of me. "Z! what's wrong? how can I help?"

"J-Just get away from me. I can't be around you, ill just hurt you." I say through gritted teeth

"Z, you won't hurt me, I'm not leaving you."

My vision clouds red and I loose control.

My vision goes back to normal. I scream when I see Kurt gasping for air with a sword sticking out of his chest.

"Kurt! what happened." I say really fast and go to examine the injury.

It's my sword.... MY SWORD. oh no.

I burst into tears.

"Oh my god Kurt. I-I-I'm so sorry, I couldn't control myself, I couldn't stop." I say sobbing.

"Z-Z-Zisteau?" Kurt asks, I can see the light fading from his eyes.

"Kurt, d-d-don't leave me, p-p-please don't die... I.... I... love.. you" I say gripping his hand, sobbing.

"I... I.... l..ove... you.... to... Zisteau.... I always... have" Kurt says

"Please Kurt... you...you can't leave me... please don't."

With his last ounce of strength Kurt reaches up and pulls me into a kiss. I stay close after he pulls away gasping for air.

"I'm s-s-sorry Z. I-I-I can't stay..... I forgive you." Kurt whispers

Kurt lets out one last shaky breath and then nothing... Kurt's dead.. he's really gone... and I caused this... I killed him... the love of my life, is dead because of me.

I collapse on top of Kurt's lifeless body. Why did this have to happen... I loved him so much... but now he's gone. This is all my fault....

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