Young And In Love

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"Hi Kurt!!!!" The young blond says enthusiastically, his blond hair getting even messer as he skipped over to the shy brunette who was reading a book.

"Hi." Kurt replied, briefly glancing up from the book he was trying to read.

"Why are you in here reading? It's a beautiful day outside!" The blond says with a smile, snatching the book from the shy boy. "Come play with me!"

Kurt waves away the request dismissively, grabbing his book again. "I'd rather read."

"But why??" The blond pouted slightly.

"There's bullies out there Zisteau." Kurt states simply, reopening his book.

"But Kurt!" The blond whined childishly. "Recess only lasts another twenty minutes.... Please?"

Kurt sighs as he sets down his book, knowing he's not getting anywhere with reading. "Don't you think we're a bit old for recess?"

"Hey! We're only eight!" Zisteau counters. "Now come on mister grumpy, lets go play!" He grabs Kurt's hand and pulls him out of the classroom.

Kurt allowed himself to be dragged out towards the playground, knowing he wasn't going to convince his boisterous friend to let him read.

"Oh looky! Its little Kurt." Comes a voice which makes Kurt flinch. "Finally convinced the little scardy cat to come outside?" The kid teased, his icy blue eyes full of mischief.

"Don't be a jerk Vechs!" Zisteau says with a stern look, which didn't really work with his baby face.

Vechs simply rolls his eyes. "Don't you get tired of sticking up for the loser?"

"I'll tell on you Vechs." Zisteau proclaimed, putting his hands on his hips and letting out an aggravated huff of air.

Kurt just watched the two argue, feeling bad because he knew he was the reason they were arguing. He was just a burden to Zisteau and he didn't understand why the boisterous blond stuck around.

"You wouldn't." Vechs counters, mimicking Zisteau.

"I will! And you'll get suspended for bullying." Zisteau smirked.

Vechs rolls his eyes again. "Fine, whatever, I'm gonna go play with Nebsy."

Zisteau scoffs as he walks off. "He's a jerk, don't worry about him Kurt."

"Why would I have to worry when I know you'll protect me?" Kurt asks innocently.

"I'll always protect you!" Zisteau proclaims, kissing Kurt's cheek, causing the shy brunette to blush profusely.

"Z-Z!" He stutters out, lightly hitting his shoulder.

"Hey! You never said I couldn't kiss your cheek at school." Zisteau says with a smirk.

"Ugh." Kurt groans. "You knew what I meant when I said no kissing."

"I know." He teased, a gentle look in his blue-green eyes. "But you're just too cute!"

That made his face turn even redder, rendering his speaking abilities null.

"Wanna go play on the swings?" Zisteau asked, changing the topic randomly.

Kurt nodded. "Yes." He giggled lightly. "Will you push me?"

"Of course." Zisteau smiled lightly.

The two walked side by side, both having small smiles on their faces. Kurt sat down on a swing and Zisteau started pushing him lightly. He definitely wasn't the shortest person in his class, but he was still short enough that his legs didn't reach the ground, which Zisteau had always found hilarious and adorable. Eventually Zisteau got on the swing beside Kurt and started swinging, his messy long blond hair flowing in the wind.

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