A Deal

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This is for a prompt swap over on Mindcrack love, enjoy!

The young, quiet boy headed through the dimly lit hallway, keeping his head low. He'd grown up in this, what some people might find dreary, place. He was young, compared to most of the others, beyond a few, MC and Arkas, just for example. He honestly seemed like the least likely to be part of this group, but he was still here.

Sometimes he felt judged by others, some of the more experienced members, Etho and Nebris more specifically. The two worked as a pair, they were a dream team really, having never failed one assignment. Etho was more trained and had far greater discipline than Nebris, but Nebris was far better at bargaining and talking up people, charming them.

He approached a door and knocked before entering. He had been told to see Guude, the leader, as soon as possible, probably another assignment, he pondered. He sat in the chair that sat before the big desk, quickly becoming aware of the figure standing in the corner.

"Who?" He questioned, sending the figure a look.

"Kurt, this is Pakratt." Guude answered simply.

"Why?" Kurt questioned.

"Calm down and I'll explain." Guude started. "He's your partner."

Kurt stared at Guude confused. Everyone knew Kurt worked best alone, and preferred it. "Partner?"

"Yes, I have a special assignment for you two. Your target is the prince of a neighboring kingdom."

"Woah, woah. A prince? Why aren't Etho and Nebris handling this?" Kurt asks, thoroughly confused.

Guude sighs. "Those two are too well known in Zerston. And you both are relatively new and they won't recognize your faces."

"Fine. When and how do you want it done?" Pakratt says, finally speaking up.

"Here's everything you'll need to know." Guude says, handing Kurt a folder.

"Pakratt, why don't you head down to the armory and meet with Nebris and Etho. Kurt will join you shortly." Guude says, addressing Pakratt.

Pakratt nods and heads out of the room, his footsteps almost inaudible as he heads down the hall.

"I know your uncomfortable with this Kurt, but Pakratt will be a big help. He knows that city inside and out. Just for this one assignment, ok?"

"Alright, but just this once. You know how I am around people."

"I never said you guys have to be best friends, you just have to be civil, now go meet Pak in the armory and go over the information, you leave tomorrow morning at dawn."

"Alright." Kurt says as he heads out of the room and down the hall.

"Ah, Kurt, we have some stuff for you and a briefing of your mission." Etho says, greeting Kurt as he enters the room.

"Ok." Kurt replies simply.

"Guude wanted you to have this." Nebris says, handing Kurt a dagger.

Kurt eyes it curiously, but questions nothing as he slips it into a holster on his ankle.

"Now, your target is prince Layben. Someone wants him dead and is willing to pay big for it. He's going to be leaving the city for a few days, going on a trip. His carriage will be going by the road leading the city tomorrow evening. You two will camp out in the forest that lines the road two miles away from the city itself and strike when he goes by. If you have any further questions, consult the folder Guude gave you. Now go and get some rest, you'll leave at four thirty, Pak is to stay in your room."

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