Darkness Is A Blessing And Curse

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Etho knew the second he woke up in an ally that something was wrong. If waking up in an ally wasn't clue enough, then the pounding headache and sharp pain in his abdomen was. He wasn't sure what was happening, but he was scared. He instantly lifted his shirt, trying to see if the pain was caused by a cut, which it wasn't. His head didn't have any cuts or marks either, that he could feel at least.

He took in his surroundings, a dark alleyway, a bunch of overflowing trash cans. Typically what you would find in a dark ally. He could have sworn he had gone home last night, if it was last night. He wasn't sure how much time had passed, or if any had. But either way, he still had woken up in the middle of the night in an alleyway in pain.

He dug in his pocket, finding his phone, which now had a crack in it. He tapped the screen, watching as it lit up. He was surprised by how many messages and calls he had missed. There was at least thirty five calls, twenty voicemails, and almost a hundred texts, all from Nebris. He unlocked his phone, and clicked on the first voicemail.

"Hey Etho. I thought you were coming over today? I know I shouldn't worry, you probably just overslept. Call as soon as your up? Love ya!" Came Nebris' cheery voice over the phone.

He knew he didn't have time to listen to all of them, at the moment at least. He clicked on the last one that was sent, and listened as Nebris' frantic voice came through the speaker.

"Etho! Please answer, please call back! I'm worried sick! No ones seen you in five days! No one can find you. If I did something, please just tell me. I can't take this much longer Etho." Nebris' voice cracked as a sob was heard. "I-I love you Etho.... please just come back."

The voicemail ended rather randomly. He tried to process everything. Five days. He'd been gone for five days. But he could have sworn he'd been on his way home just hours ago. He pulled himself off of the ground, having to stop briefly after, waiting for the world to quit spinning. He was startled, by a loud meow from a kitten, presumably a stray. He caught sight of the kitten, finding it sitting near where he had been. It had silvery long fur and grey-red eyes.

He looked away from the kitten and made his way out of the ally, though he could tell the kitten was watching him intently. He shook away the feeling and walked down the abandoned sidewalk. He was really close to Nebris' house, he found as he approached a street sign, which was illuminated by a lamp. He pulled out his phone again and dialed Nebris' number. He, oddly enough, didn't get an answer. It was late, almost two, but he doubted with how frantic Nebris had sounded that he'd answer immediately.

He sighed and made his way towards Nebris' house, knowing it was way closer than his by far and it was already late. He approached the house, finding the front door locked, which wasn't a surprise. He pulled out his keys an unlocked the door, pushing it open. He kicked off his shoes and closed the door quietly behind himself. He looked around, finding Nebris' place a little messer than usual, but without his own nagging, he wasn't surprised. For Nebris could be quite the slob.

He pushed those thoughts aside and wandered up the stairs quietly. He opened the door to Nebris' room, seeing said man laying on the bed, on top of the covers, with his head buried in his hands, quiet sobs escaping him. Etho stood there quietly for a second, not making a sound, as he watched his purple eyed boyfriend sob. He was confused, nothing seemed to add up, but he knew something had happened, but he honestly wasn't sure what.

He, yet again, shoved all those thoughts aside and closed the door quietly. He walked over to the bed slowly, sitting down and placing a hand on the others back. Nebris shot up, his eyes wide with fear and sadness as his eyes stared at Etho.

"E-Etho?" Nebris asks, his voice hoarse and laced with worry.

"Hey Nebsy." Etho replies, pulling the other into a tight hug, which was quickly returned.

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