My Story

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Hey guys Bubbles here. So... as some of you may have noticed, I haven't posted anything in a few days, which is very unusual for me. I'm fine, just took a bit of a break because of stuff. that stuff being busy with band and I got hit in the head at practice Saturday. Nothing serious, I'm ok, I have some pretty bad headaches, but nothing to terrible. that and a bit of stress.

But! I'm back and will hopefully be back to posting stuff regularly. now, onto what I've written, which is drabble ish thing. yeah, not to happy with this turned out, but, eh. enjoy!


Many people have told me their stories, all full of excitement, a tale of love, adventure, and excitement.

But, my story is a different one, one I've never told. it includes all of the things the others have, but my story is splayed out through all of time and space.

My story begins when I was 9. I lived with my aunt and my mom in a small town. neither of them were ever home though, so I spent most of the time by myself.

Then one night there was a loud crash. I went outside to investigate and found a blue phone box. it was smoking and appeared to be broken.

I had been overly confused, starring at it. then a man, or what I once thought was simply a man, appeared from within it. A crazy looking man with sparkling blue eyes and brown spiked hair.

He was a babbling fool, when I first meet him. saying things that I hadn't understood at the time.

After all the chaos, I ran away with him.

The blue phone box I found out was called the tardis. It was bigger on the inside than the outside. And, it could take you to any time and place in the universe.

We went many places together. We explored and solved mysteries. We fought. we saved many worlds, multiple times.

He once told me:

~you need to start trusting me. it's more important now then ever~

I had replied:

~you don't always tell me the truth~

And, to that he said:

~If I told you the truth, there wouldn't be a reason to trust me~

And, that had been the truth. I trusted him deeply. I knew he would protect me with his life.

I've experienced many things. I've seen wars, I've seen victories, I've seen death, I've seen life. I've seen everything the universe could offer.

It was all because of him, the crazy man in 3D glasses. And, I fell in love with him and his quirkiness.

I knew from the beginning that our relationship would be different. He was indeed a time lord, which meant he would one day regenerate and I'd loose the man I knew and loved. But, I still choose to love him, still choose to enjoy it until that day, until that came and took him away from me.

That day eventually came, and I sat beside him as the excruciating pain started. I sat beside him and held his hand as he started to change. The last thing he told me was that he loved me.

Then he was gone, and another man laid before me.

That's when another adventure started. Not one of love, but of friendship, for I couldn't love another, never again would I.

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