Love Knows No Bounds (Mild Mature content)

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This was supposed to be Setho fluff.... but my mind went places and this happened. the two of you that requested Setho fluff, I'm gonna do that next. You'll each get a oneshot ;)

Blinding light, that's all the man could see as consciousness seeped into his aching body. His vision swam as he tried to look around, but nothing was in focus, nothing was clear. He tried to think, tried to remember, but that only made his head ache and his stomach churn. All he could hear was a deafening buzz, a constant annoyance. He was so dizzy, feeling as if the world was continuously spinning and moving around him.

A blur of color was in front of him, it was grey, red, and a silvery white color. The blur seemed to move, seemed to be contorting. He felt something gripping his shoulders, which made him groan in pain and making everything spin around him.

"Are...." A faint voice registered in his head, but it seemed blurred, fuzzy, and distant. "You...... Ok?"

The voice was so faint, so distant, almost like an echo in his head. He didn't know what to do. He couldn't think straight. He couldn't focus on one thing, with the many going on. His whole body ached and his vision swam and the annoying buzz continued on, like and alarm that could never be turned off.

The voice, even fainter than before, called out to him again. "Sir....."

The voice rang in the mans head, bringing with it an excruciating pain that spread through his whole body, causing his blurred and fuzzy vision to reduce to nothing, along with the pain.

The man awoke to another blindingly bright light. The pain was back, but subdued. The ringing was gone and his vision was focused. He saw a white tiled ceiling and white walls. He was in a hospital of some sort.

He tried to think again, to remember something, anything, but he came up blank. He couldn't recall anything at all, not before waking up a while ago, at least.

A figure appeared over him. The person has short, messy, platinum blond hair, grey-red eyes, and pale skin. The man recognized the colors from earlier, the blur.

"Your awake" The silver haired man says, his voice deep, silky, something you could listen to for hours.

"....." The man tried to respond, but his throat was so dry.

"The doctor said you might not be able to talk for a while."

The man sends the silver haired man a questioning look.

"You've been out of it for almost a week."

"W..." The man tries again, but only manages a weird squeak sound.

"Don't, you'll only make it worse."

The man was frustrated. He wanted to know what was going on. He wanted to know where he was, what he was doing there, who he was.

The silver haired man sighs "I know you have a million questions, but you'll just have to wait till your throat heals."

The man groans, or tries to, but it causes him great pain.

"Just take it easy, seriously."

"W... who.... are.... y... you" The man manages to croak out, unwilling to just take it easy.

"Your really stubborn.... I'm Etho."

Etho.... Etho.... that name didn't sound familiar at all to the man.

"Since you can speak, what's your name?" Etho asks.

What's his name? that's a good question, a very good one indeed. But, the man didn't have an answer. He didn't even know his own name.

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