Always Have Hope (Part 1)

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"Why the fuck have you not done anything yet?!?" Dezeray asks, storming into a council meeting, her voice full of anger.

"Woah, language Dezeray!" Zisteau says, following close behind.

"I don't care about language anymore!" She yells. "He's gone and you guys have done nothing!"

"Dezeray. Calm. Down." Zisteau says sternly.

"How are you not upset by this?"

"How could I not be upset?!? This is my husband were talking about!" Zisteau shouts, any notion of caution left behind.

"Then why haven't you done anything?!?"

"I've tried! Those fuckers won't let me leave!"

"Guys!" Comes a shout as Dezeray and Zisteau yell at each other.

"Shut up." Guude says with a sigh. "We were having a meeting."

"That was the point of coming here." Dezeray starts. "We have to do something. I can't just sit here and wait for someone to do something while my dad is sitting there in a cell being tortured!"

"We're trying Dezeray, but there's only so much we can do."

"But you haven't done anything."

"There's only so much we can do."

"What? Like sit around and hope everything gets better?"

"Dezeray. We are working on it."

"Fine, what have you accomplished?"

"We've located where he's at."

"Then why haven't you gotten him?"

"Because we don't know where in the facility he is. Or what type of security there is. There's too many unknowns for us to go in yet."

"How much longer must we wait?"

"As long as it takes Dezeray."

Dezeray turns and leaves the room as tears sting her eyes. She had just wanted to help with this whole operation. She couldn't wait any longer, it had already been almost a month. She was tired of waiting, of sitting around watching nothing happen. She didn't understand how the others could be living such normal lives while one of their own was sitting in a cell being tortured.

"Dezeray!" Zisteau shouts, running after her. "We really need to talk."

Dezeray stops and faces Zisteau, tears running slowly down her face.

"Dez, just please listen."

"I'm done with 'just listening' dad. Kurt is out there hurting and probably loosing hope while were here doing absolutely nothing." Dezeray says, before storming off.

She heads through town square and to the small flower garden she had planted. She headed through the maze of paths and ended up in a small clearing, where she sat in the thick, soft, green grass. She took a deep breath, taking in the sweet smell of the flowers and the nature surrounding her. This was her place, she'd made it, and she kept it up to code. This was like her little bubble. The place she could go to calm down and relax. A place she called hers, where she could be alone.

She let the tears flow down her face as she rested her head in her hands. It had been a month since they took him. She and Zisteau were devastated. Ever since then the two got in so many arguments, constantly fighting with each other. She wanted so desperately to do something, but everyone was just sitting around, waiting.

"Dezeray?" Came a soft, questioning voice.

Dezeray looked up, seeing long, light brown hair and brown eyes. "Ari?"

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