A Lifetime Of Memories

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Hey guys! Bubbles here! so i finally finished this!!! yay!!! I've been working on this for four ish months. its 16,248 words!

BYE!!!! ^.^

(Warning- character death)

Kurt's POV

I sit there, holding his now wrinkled hand, looking at his still beautiful face, as he lays there, almost lifeless. the only sound is the slow beeping from the heart monitor.

I guess you could say we were the spitting image of a perfect married couple, getting together in high school and growing old together. what they failed to mention was the pain you'd go through when losing the other after so many years.... so many memories.... so many laughs, fights, cries... after a whole life together. I wish they would have warned me.

I close my eyes letting the tears freely fall, feeling them land on our conjoined, wrinkled hands. Memories start flooding back, showing like movies in my mind.


I'm looking down at the ground as I walk, trying not to interact, or even look at anyone. Then, I bump into someone, my books falling out of my arms. the person apologizes and picks them up, handing them back to me.

"You know, I don't think I've had the pleaser of meeting you"

I finally look up from the ground, my face probably as red as a tomato, and see Zisteau, the extremely young, almost jock looking, high schooler.

"Umm... er..."

"I'm Zisteau... it's a pleaser to meet you...?"

"Kurt" I say quietly, shaking his hand.

Zisteau smiles warmly at me "where you heading off to?"

"Space science...."

"Could I walk with you? my class is right next door"

I feel my face heat up again "... sure"

He sends me another smile as we walk down the hall together.


I still Z, but we are walking out of the school. we get to my moms car and we stop.

"Hey... Kurt?"

"Hmm?" I raise a questioning eyebrow

"Do you maybe want to go see a movie together sometime?"

I just stand there in shock for a minute. Zisteau, one of the most popular people in our grade, the Zisteau, just asked me out... ME!

Zisteau looks down at his feet "I'm sorry... never mind, it was dumb of me to think you'd actually want to..."

Zisteau turns to leave but I grab his jacket sleeve "no... I... I would love to..."

Zisteau's face lights up. he hugs me excitedly and I awkwardly hug back.


I'm closing my locker when hands cover my eyes and I can feel someone's warm breath fanning on my ear, I tense up immediately.

"Guess who?"

I relax after hearing Z, and after he moves his hands.

"I got us tickets for that new space movie that's coming out! first showing!" Z says excitedly

"Wow... really?"

"Yeah! I want our first date to be perfect! And, what better way than to do something that involves something you love!"

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