Being The Hero

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You see those stories, you know, the ones where the guy gets the girl and they live happily ever after, yeah, those. Well, you grow up with them, wanting to be like that, the guy, you, getting the girl.

Weeellll that's not the case, sorta. I grew up with those stories, of course I wanted that, of course I wanted to be the hero, the guy. That's were the sorta part comes in.

I want to the guy who gets the guy.

But, today's society just isn't for that type of thing. They find it weird, wrong.

It's not like I'd be the hero anyway. I'm not heroic in the slightest. I'm just this tall, lanky, clumsy guy who is so incredibly shy. I'm probably the exact opposite of a hero.

I wouldn't run into battle, brandishing a sword and shield. I wouldn't be able to make split second choices that could either save or ruin humanity. I wouldn't be able to come face to face with a villain, who would try to kill me. I wouldn't be able to do the whole hero thing. It's just not me.

I'm quiet, shy, anti social, insecure. I could keep going, but then I'd just start rambling, not like I hadn't already.

Maybe when the time is right i'll find the right guy, or any guy, really.

Maybe one day I'll even find the courage to tell my parents, who are very against it.

They wanted an athletic son, one that was going t! be star of all the sports teams, popular, and marry a nice girl.

See they didn't get that. they got me. I know I'm just a big disappointment to them, especially my dad, who expects all that and more out of me, and I just can't. I can't be the person he wants me to be.

"Kurt! the bus will be here soon!" I hear from my mom

I close my journal and put it back in its spot. I grab my bag and sling it over my shoulder, looking at myself in the mirror, fixing my hair.

I head down the stairs and to the table, where mom sat a of my gluten free cereal and lactose free milk in front of my spot at the table.

I sit down with a sigh, slightly torn up over everything I had just written.

"Hey, Kurt, hon, what's wrong?" mom asks, sitting down across from me.

"Oh, you know, typical teenager stuff." I answer sarcastically

"As in...?"

"Not being able to find someone, I guess."

"You'll find the right girl eventually"

I sigh "....right...."

"Actually, mom...."

"Bus Kurt!" dad yells from the doorway.

"Bye honey, I'll see you after school."

I wave as I walk out the door, letting out a sigh.

And, there the moment was, to tell then, and I let it slip by me.

I climb on the bus sitting in an empty seat, starring out the window. I watch the scenery fly by, watching the multiple people getting on at each stop. I'd seen most of them, never actually meet any of them though.

Always being to shy to talk to them. I've never really talked to anyone at my school, don't have many friends. I guess that's just me, the friendless, shy high schooler.

Once the bus comes to a stop in front of the school, I stand up and join the crowd of students all trying to get off the bus.

Once I do get off, I head into the school, trying to avoid all the people I know will pick on me.

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