Which wolf?

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Hey guys Bubbles here! so this is a Kurt and Zisteau thing.. but... it isn't a shippy thing, it's a friendship one. I know your all thinking 'wait.. what's wrong with Bubbles... she's not shipping Kurt and Zisteau, something must be wrong.' but no, I got this idea after going to the theater and seeing tomorrow land. it's based off the whole wolf thing. anyway I really hope you guys enjoy and such!
BYE!!!! ^_^

Zisteau's POV

I could just tell, how I'm not sure, but I could, and it was bugging the hell out of me. Kurt has been acting weird, well weirder than usual, all week. I know something is wrong, something is bugging him, tearing him up on the inside while he tries to act ok, but that act doesn't fool me in the slightest. I have to do something, I really do.

I head out into the chilly late afternoon, heading towards the royal observatory. hopefully he is there.

I walk up the steps and knock. I hear muffled shuffling then the door slowly opening.

Kurt looks terrible. his usually neat hair is messy and there is a little bit of stubble lining his chin.

"Hi Z" Kurt says with no emotion to his voice.

"Hi Kurt!" I reply

"What do you need?"

"Just wanted to talk... as long as that's ok with you"

"Sure" Kurt says and steps to the side slightly, holding open the door.

I walk inside. Kurt closes the door and sits down on the couch. I take a seat beside him.

"So, how are you?" I ask

"Fine" Kurt replies and sends me a smile, which I can tell is fake.

"What's bugging you?"

"Nothing" Kurt replies a little to quickly

"Seriously Kurt"

"I can't hide anything from you can I?"


Kurt stays silent for a few minutes, most likely collecting his thoughts.

"I er.. I just feel so lost" Kurt replies quietly

"Lost?" I ask

"I don't know why Guude ever took a chance with me, letting me join the server. I can't build, I can't do any of the redstone stuff. I can't create games, I can't do any farming. I can't even pvp well at all. I feel like I'm a huge disappointment... I can't even begin to compare to any of you guys"

"Kurt.... don't think that. Guude took a chance because he saw the potential in you. what you could bring to the group. And yes you don't compare to any of us, but that's ok, because no one could compare to you. You are special, you do what most would never dream of, never risk doing because of fear."

"I don't know Z. I don't feel like I'm worth it, what potential could I possibly have?"

"You walk on a world that shakes under your feet with determination. you know so much about space, more than anyone here. you bring a new aspect to the group with your snarky comments. how could you not have potential."

Kurt just sighs and looks away.

"There are two wolves in you, the good and the evil. one is made up of happiness, love, and compassion. the other is made up of hate, brokenness, and anger. but which one wins? well that all depends on which one you feed" I say, reciting something my dad had told me millions of times.

I had gained Kurt's attention again. he stays quiet though, a thoughtful expression on his face.

I notice the time, it's getting late.

"Hey, I gotta get going. I'll let myself out" I say getting up.

Before I walk out I turn back. "which wolf will you feed?"

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