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Edit: this is edited now! also there's a few references I put in this :) have fun finding them :p

Hey guys Bubbles here! So I know I said I didn't know how much I would post, but really late last night I got an idea and wrote it. Also this is unedited mainly because I'm on my dads phone like an hour or two away from home. But anyway here's a soulmate au!!

BYE!!!! ^_^

Kurt's POV

They say the best day of your life is when you start seeing colors.... the only colors I see are dark, dreary ones. I have yet to find my soulmate, unlike most.

Most people say it's odd, it's weird, it's strange, to be almost 20 and not have found your soulmate. But I would just say it's my personality... or my luck, which both lac of.... well.... normalness.

I'm an introvert, to say the least. I'm terribly shy and have social anxiety. My luck on the other hand is terrible. so in turn, I generally stay away from people, unless I'm forced to communicate. which is exactly why I haven't found my soulmate, or so I've reasoned.

My friends have always questioned how I dress, specifically my glasses. I've never found it weird. they are just black framed glasses with dark grey lenses. but they always say they are red, Blue, and white, which they find very strange. I wish I could understand, wish I could see the world like its supposed to be, but alas, maybe I was never supposed to see, never supposed to experience the beauty.

I walk into the management office of the student dorms in my pajamas and red converses, my hair a mess. thankfully there is a person at the desk, despite the late hour.

"Can I help you, sir?" the lady asks

"Yes. The plumbing in my room broke.... its flooded." I respond

"Oh.... we will get someone there to work on it, do you have somewhere to stay tonight?"

"Yeah... my friends room."

"Ok, can you leave your name and cell number, so we can inform you on the situation in the morning."



"Kurt Mac."

"Ok, write down your number here" she says, indicating a certain piece of paper.

I write down my number and head back up the stairs to Beef and Pause's room.

I knock. A few minutes later a very disgruntled Beef answers the door.

"Kurt... it's past curfew.... what do you need?"

"Can I stay here tonight.... my room is flooded." I respond

"Flooded huh.... sure" He steps aside holding open the door "you can have my bed"

"Oh.... you sure... I could just sleep on the floor"

"Don't worry about it."

Beef climbs into bed with Pause, almost instantly falling asleep. I get comfy on Beef's bed and also fall asleep.

I'm the first to wake up, so I make coffee and sit in the window seat, watching the different shades of gray that make up the sunrise. trying to imagine what it would look like with the colors everyone has always described, pink, red, orange, they always said it was amazing, and beautiful.

"Kurt.... why are you here?" someone says from the bed.

I look away from the window to see Pause siting up.

"Just enjoying the dreary sunrise" I muse

"No, seriously, why are you in my room?"

"Mine flooded last night, Beef let me stay here"

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