How It Came To Be

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Hey guys Bubbles here!! so this is something very different from anything else I've written. it's 3005 words!

I don't really have much to say about this, beyond enjoy!

BYE!!!! ^.^

It all started with a man, who wore a green shirt that brandished a giant G, blue jeans, but no shoes. he had short, messy blonde hair and emerald green eyes. he was the first one.

He was alone, lived a life in a world made of blocks. though he wasn't lonely, not at first. he had everything one could ask for, except a friend. But that never seemed to bother him to much.

He would endlessly run around a world, his world, mining, building, exploring, all these things he loved.

But yet again, he did feel like something was missing. maybe it was the quietness, the absence of laughter and jokes as the sun slowly set. Or the feelings of loneliness when he went on Adventures.

That was until one day, when everything stopped. the cows stopped mooing, the chickens quiet laying eggs, the leaves stopped rustling, the wind stopped blowing, and he stopped moving, breathing.

His eyes darted around, scared. he couldn't move, couldn't breath. he couldn't seem to do anything.

Then his vision faded to black, the world, his world, faded from existence.


The man awoke to a strange place, one he had never seen before. it was a mountainous area, with bright green plateaus, and beautiful flowers.

The man sat up, confused, he couldn't remember anything, beyond his name, Guude.

He slowly stood up, taking in the gorgeous landscape. He started walking around, noticing different stuff, a spruce tree, a watermelon on the edge of a jungle, and an ice lake farther in the distance.

He came to an abrupt stop when he saw a figure, curled up in a ball on the ground. it was another person, just like him. he was excited, ecstatic even.

The person was also a guy, but unlike Guude, he had short brown hair, a brown chinstrap, and purple eyes. the person also dressed very different, he was wearing a dark grey vest, a black undershirt, black pants, and black shoes.

Guude looked down at his own feet, which were bear, unlike the persons. He found it slightly strange.

Guude jumped back after hearing a groan from the person. he eyed the person curiously.

The person sat up slowly, shaking dizziness away. the person almost instantly noticed Guude, who was staring at him.

The person stared blankly at Guude, as if trying to figure something out.

The person delved deep in his mind, trying to think of anything, but the only thing that came to mind was a name, his name, Nebris.

Guude finally found his voice, being able to talk "who are you?"

"I'm Nebris.... but where are we, and who are you?"

"I'm Guude" Guude replied, somewhat lost in thought.

The question of where they were puzzled him. he didn't know.

Guude looked around again, then looked back to Nebris.

"I'm not sure"

"Oh... what do we do?"

Hmm, that was a good question, one that puzzled Guude further.

"We should explore, and build a temporary house."

"Alright, lead the way"

With that the two, Nebris and Guude, headed off.

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