Reality part 2

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Someone over on Mindcrack love wanted to see more of this, so here you go!

"I'm worried about him" Beef says to the man behind the desk.

The man readjusted his glasses "He definitely made progress today though."

"He has?"

"Yes. He asked who Bdubs was, saying that he felt like he knew him."

"That's good.... right?"

"I'd like to believe so. I don't think introducing Guude to anyone, beyond you and Pause, is smart. I'm afraid of what would happen, especially since memories are just started to tug at his mind, just starting to become his memories again."

"Well, I'm not the one to make that call, you are."

"Yes, I know. now, I'll see you tomorrow when you drop him off."


"Good afternoon Guude, how are you feeling today?"

"I'm confused....."

"About what, exactly?"

"I feel like I recognize the two escorts.... though I can't figure out why. Also, the pictures from yesterday, who were they of? were they the same person in each set?"

"Just some people, and that second part is for you to decide."

Guude stairs at the man, thoroughly confused.

"Alright, moving on. We are going to do something similar to yesterday. I'm going to show you a picture, tell me how it makes you feel"

The man sets down a picture, looking at Guude intently.

Guude looks at the picture, seemingly confused.

The picture was of a group of people. Guude was one of the guys from the picture. The two escorts were also in the picture. then, the final person from the group wore a green military esc outfit and berate and has a mustache.

Guude felt like he knew the other three men. Something tugged at the back of his mind, something wanting to come forth and display itself.

The four were sitting on a couch, laughing and drinking. Their conversation mostly teasing the Indian about vacations.

Guude blinked a few times staring at the man behind the desk.

"How do I know these people? who are they?"

"That's for you to decide." The man takes the picture, placing a new one down.

This one was of Guude and one of the men from the pictures yesterday. The one with the Chinese red jacket.

Something else tugged at the back of Guude's mind, wanting to be remembered.

The air was frigid and cold, but he stood beside the man clad in nothing but his T-shirt and jeans, which made him feel less stupid.

"How much farther?" Guude asked

"Shouldn't be long, just a few more minutes."

"Lets just hurry up Boo, its cold."

Guude looked at the picture, then to the man behind the desk.

"Who is he? why did I call him Boo?"

"I'm sorry Guude, but that's for you too decide."

Guude groans in frustration as the picture is taken and replaced by another.

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