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Hey guys Bubbles here! so I have finally finished this. I have been working on it for the past 4 days. just warning you guys now, it's an emotional roller coaster, also it's a little over 7,000 words, which is the longest thing I've written. that's all.
I really hoe you guys enjoy and such!
BYE!!!! :)

Kurt's POV

Me and Beef had been together for almost a year. Everyone always said we were the cutest couple, and obviously meant to be. That's what I thought to, but I'm not so sure anymore.

We added a new person to the server, Pause, he joined a few weeks ago. He is a nice person, but the way Beef looks at him is a little off putting. It's the way he looks at me, with this kind, gentle, loving look in his eyes. I keep telling myself it's nothing, it's just Beef trying to be friendly.

I walk into the living room of the small apartment we share, to find Beef putting on his shoes.

"You going somewhere.... I thought we were going to watch the race together?" I ask

"Oh... I'm going to help team Canada with a prank" Beef replies

"Oh..." I say disappointed.

Beef finishes tying his shoe and walks up to me, wrapping his arms around my waist.

"I'm sorry, how about I make dinner for us when I get back." Beef says

"Ok" I say still very disappointed

"Hey... don't be like this" Beef says obviously sensing my disappointment

"But you've done this multiple times now"

"I know, and I'm really sorry, but I can't just bail on them."

"So you can't bail on them, but you can bail on me? your boyfriend of almost a year!" I say, stepping away from him

"I'm so sorry Kurt, I really am. I promise we will spend all day together tomorrow"

Beef locks gazes with me, that kind, loving look in his eyes makes me melt. I can't stay mad at him.

"Fine, but you better keep your promise" I say

"I will"


"I got go, I love you"

"Love you to"

Beef pulls me in for a kiss. After a few, long, breathless minutes he pulls away. Beef walks out the door with a wave.

I stand there breathless in complete bliss. I don't think I could ever stay mad at him, I love him to much to.

I sit down and watch the race.

It's 7:00 and there's no sign of Beef. maybe I should have known, should have guessed that he wouldn't be home to make us dinner. sigh.

I get up and head to the kitchen. I warm up left over spaghetti from the previous night.

After I clean up my dishes I sit on the couch waiting for him to get back.

It's almost 11 when a very drunk Beef walks... well stumbles through the front door.

"Beef?" I ask

"Hi Kurt!" Beef says excitedly when he notices me

"Why are you home so late?"

"Oh, we finished the prank and went to a bar"

I pinch the bridge of my nose, god was this frustrating. Beef doesn't usually drink, but ever since he meet Pause he's been out drinking more than anyone probably should.

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