His Daughter

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this goes into the topic of religion, just telling y'all now in case that's not your cup o' tea. But, none the less, in my opinion, a very good little story. Based off this song.... https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=v-gk_5sdwNw

Teary emerald green eyes full of fear peaked out from behind an old wooden bookcase, which held so many tales, stories of adventures from long ago, of princesses and knights in shining armor, of jousting and sword duels, of true love and despair. Those emerald green eyes watched as a man, who'd had far too much to drink, which a small pale nose could detect with the stench that was brought with it. Tiny ears, which bore small red gems, accenting the red hair that fell in curls that rested just above slim shoulders, could hear the yelling, an almost deafening sound to the young, young child. A thin white material clung to the small frame of the child, which hung loosely on the child's legs, where the material was poufy. The child held their knees close to their chest, shaking as the tears streaked down the child's pale cheeks.

"Everything will be okay." A small, broken voice whispered, the sound almost inaudible, as the child rocked back and forth, trying to shut out the world, which seemed to be crumbling around her.

A loud sound rang through the air, skin on skin contact, a sound followed by a whimper, then a deathly silence as the yelling stopped. She flinched, squeezing her eyes shut, trying to block out the world.

"Everything will be okay." That small voice said again, sounding weak, broken, almost a whimper as the young girl tried to convince herself of those words, which seemed so untrue, so unbelievable.

She opened one eye slowly, seeing a woman with equally red hair and green eyes, cupping her cheek, tears staining her face. The thing she didn't see; the man.


Ten years had gone and passed, the man, the young girl had once called her father had left long ago, on that night that still haunted the- not so young- girl. She remembered the sound of the slap, hard and painful, it was a sound she feared, which left an ever lasting tear in her heart, which longed for a fatherly love that she never had.

"Look at that slut. She's already found another fuck buddy."

"Gonna get laid again tonight, huh? There's never a time you're not letting some douche use your body."

"Oh looky, its little miss red off to let another guy fuck her."

"Such a fool. You're ruining your life because of your daddy problems."

"Hey! Maybe you'll end up like your mom! Just a body for people to screw with for a few bucks."

The words swirled through her head, a silver blade gleaming with red from cuts that ran too deep, but the pain, the pain was something she needed, something she couldn't live without; not with her heart shattered like glass, each piece sharp enough to leave cuts. Each word played through her head, tears streaming as blood pooled slowly, letting small drips fall down onto her jeans, which hugged her thin legs. The small gleaming blade fell to the floor as she flopped backwards, squeezing her eyes shut, trying to block out the world as tears streaked down her pale cheeks.

"If there's a God out there..." She began weakly, her voice hoarse and strained, sounding tired from far too many sleepless nights. "Please, just please here me! I'm lost... I'm scared... I've got nowhere else to go. I've been through so much and I've done so much to be able to feel loved... Or feel anything... I-I just don't know how much farther I can make it." She sobbed, her voice uneven and shaky. "Please. Please.... Just help me!" She begged, as she laid there on her bed, tears streaming, blood slowly drying, and her hope slowly fading.

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