Empty playgrounds

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Have some really random chex!!! I wrote this for a prompt swap thingy on Mindcrack love and thought I should post it here to :3 enjoy!!
BYE!!!! ^.^

Chad's POV

It wasn't unusual for Vechs and I to go on walks. it also wasn't unusual for us to get weird looks while walking through a park, giggling like idiots. though we were quiet childish and immature, so naturally we were used to it.

So it was no surprise when Vechs came up to me and asked if I wanted to go on walk, and allowed no time for me to answer before practically dragging me out the door.

We stepped out of the apartment building and I blocked the sun with my hand. "you didn't even give me time to grab my sun glasses."

Vechs sticks out his tongue "well I have mine"

"You always have yours"

"Fine, if its gonna bug you that much then go get them."

I smile at him and head back into the apartment. I grab them and head back outside. I don't see Vechs where he was before....


"AHHHH.... jeez Vechs!"

Vechs just giggles manically

"You gotta stop doing that!"

"But Hahaha it's hahaha to funny hahaha"

"Sure" I mumble and grab Vechs' hand "lets just go"

We head off towards the park, Vechs still giggling.

By the time we actually get to the park, Vechs had stopped giggling... sorta.

I see an ice cream stand in the distance

"We should get ice cream!!!" I say pointing towards it.


We get ice cream. I get my usual cookies and cream, while Vechs gets rocky road.

We continue walking, hand in hand, through the park, eating our ice cream.

Eventually we come across an empty playground, which is really unusual for it being three pm.

I excitedly pull Vechs towards the swing set. I sit down and start swinging, looking at Vechs, who had an unsure look on his face.

"I think I'm to tall"

"Nah... I don't think so"

Vechs sits down and he looks so uncomfortable.

"See! told you it'd be fine" I say, giggling

Vechs giggles to, attempting to swing.

"I'm really surprised there was this empty playground" I say

"Me too." Vechs sends me a look "we could take advantage of this"

"Get your head out of the gutter! we are in a public place!" I say, feeling my face heat up

"Yeah, but no ones around"

"Vechs!! no!!" I say trying to put a stern look on my face.

Vechs just starts giggling "you hahaha look hahaha so hahahah funny!!!"

I start giggling to, because I know I probably do.

I smirk when I get an idea. "i'll race you to the top of the play set!"

I jump up and run up the ladder

"NO FAIR!!" Vechs yells

I sit in the play house giggling. Vechs' head pops up.

"You are a cheater!!"

"Nawww, me? a cheater?"

Vechs sits beside me and lightly kisses me. "yeah you"

"You sure I'm the cheater here?" I ask against his lips


"Of course the evil overlord Vechs would call me a cheater"

"You know it" Vechs says before kissing me again.

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