Feelings Arise

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Hey guys Bubbles here! This was requested by Blazzium. sorry if the ending kinda sucks, there is a bad thunderstorm right now, and I'm having a bit of anxiety. I think that's all. I really hope you guys enjoy and such!
BYE!!!! O.O

Nebris' POV

I sit on the little secluded platform I had found a while ago, watching Pak run around Guudeland. I honestly don't now how he does this, not only does he build most of the games, he also helps keep them running. which after a Mindcrack showdown in the paintball arena, is just plain out ridiculous. I feel a little bad knowing I had caused a lot of the damage... I may or may not have cheated a little, but the excessive amount of arrows and watermelon littering the ground was more than one person could handle.

But yet Pak does it. he has this determination and drive to keep going, but also the patience to tackle this large, forever ongoing project. this intrigues me... Pak is oh so intriguing. something about him is so... alluring.

Maybe that's why I sit here, observing him, watching him work with such patience and determination... maybe it's because I wish I had more of both, I can hardly stand working on my underground base for more than an hour without getting frustrated and quieting.

I notice the sun slowly starting to dip below the horizon, which is my cue to leave. I quietly get up and climb back down to the ground, I'm about to leave when I hear a loud scream. I spin around and see Pak's body laying on the ground limp.

I run over to him and see an arrow lodged in his collar bone. I try and wake him but, it doesn't work. I have to get him to the hospital, to Jsano, he will know what to do.

I carefully pick him up and rush to the hospital.


I sit in the waiting room anxiously, it's been almost an hour since they took Pak... I just want him to be ok.


I feel a hand on my shoulder and jump.

"Hey Nebs" Jsano says

"I.. is he ok?" I ask nervously

"Yeah, the arrow has been removed, but he hasn't waken up yet, and we think he may be in a comma"

My heart drops.... he, he has to be ok... he has to

"Can... can I at least see him?"

"Of course... his room is the one at the end of the hall."

I nod and walk to his room. I close the door behind me. Pak is laying on the bed, the blanket pulled up to his stomach. his long black hair is pulled back into a pony tail, which honestly isn't a bad look for him.

I pull a chair up beside the bed and sit down. all I can do is sit here and look at Pak.

My heart aches seeing him like this, yes I've seen some of the other Mindcrackers hurt and in the hospital before, but that wasn't like this. I'm so worried. why do I feel like this? is there something more to this? I think I just have to admit it to myself... this feeling... I like him, not like a friend either.

When did this all start? how long have I felt this way towards him? why do I? that's the real question, which I don't think I can honestly answer, there's so much about him that I find attractive.

I intertwine my fingers with Pak's. I really want him to be ok. I rest my forehead on our hands. it's really late, but I could care less. I plan on staying here for now, praying that he will be ok.

3rd person POV

But what Nebris didn't know was that Pak had been getting some arrows off of a tree when he saw Nebris leaving, wondering why he had been there. what he didn't see was the skeleton, or the arrow that caused him to fall and hit his head.

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