The Boy From The End

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Etho's POV

It all started when I was 8, my dad took me to the end to fight my first ender dragon.

.When the ender dragon was dead and we were heading to the portal, I saw this little boy, probably my age, with bright purple eyes, that matched the color of an enderman's eyes. I just stared at him, and I swore he was staring back. my dad pulled me through the portal, away from that mysterious boy.

I kept wondering about that boy, and his purple eyes. It was really getting to me, I had to know more. so one night when I was sure my dad wouldn't notice, I snuck out.

I jumped through the portal, the same dizzying feeling I got the first time, overcame me. I stumbled but got caught by a pair small arms. I looked up and saw the boy with purple eyes.

"What are you doing here?" The boy asks

The boys voice is deep and raspy, unlike anything I've ever heard, it just adds to the mystery of the boy.

"I-I saw you when I was here.... I snuck out because I was curious" I say

A look of recognition flashes across the boys face, he shoves me slightly

"You! you helped kill my best friend!" The boy accuses


"The ender dragon! I helped raise her! And you killed her!"

"I-I'm... sorry.... if I would have known I wouldn't have done it."

"Just go..." the boy says pointing towards the portal.


"No, just go"

"Fine" I say with a sigh and walk back through the portal.

That only escalated my curiosity surrounding the strange boy, with the purple eyes.

I ended up drawing a picture of him, so I could always remember.

~~time skip to 10 years later~~

I feel the folded piece if paper in my pocket, the picture I had drawn almost ten years ago. I clutch my sword as me, my dad, and his crew step through the end portal. I will never get used to the dizzy feeling that you get.

I see the ender dragon circling the dark sky, just waiting for us.

"ATTACK!" my dad yells.

Everyone rushes but me. off in the distance, I see a person, around my age, he has short brown hair. he turns around and his purple eyes meet my mismatch blue and red.

The person has a look on his face, something close to sorrow. Then it hits me, he must have helped raise that dragon. I can't kill it, I can't let the others kill it.

I tear my gaze away from his and break into a sprint. I get to my dad who has his bow drawn back.

"We... can't.... kill... it" I say panting

"Why not?" he responds

"Because, its owner will be crushed, filled with sadness"

"Who cares, it's just a dragon"

"I CARE!" I yell

"Either help or go home" he says sternly

"No" I say glaring at him and crossing my arms

"Etho, you get your butt home now!"

"No, I won't let you kill it"

My dad lowers his bow and whips around, his face inches from mine.

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