A Dream Of Recovery (Prompt swap 6)

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Here you go @EchoAreYouThere sorry it's so late!

Kurt slowly opened his eyes, feeling like he was being blinded by a white light that hung over his head. He groaned as he tried to move his arm to block the blinding light, but he felt so weak.

"Kurt!" A voice Kurt instantly recognizes shouts "Your ok..... oh my god...... I can't believe your awake!"

"Z... Zisteau?" Kurt croaks out, his throat feeling so dry.

Zisteau's face appears in his line of sight, his blue-green eyes full of tears.

"What happened?" Kurt croaks out.

"You got in a car crash.... I was so worried about you! I thought I'd lost you!" Zisteau sobs, hugging Kurt tightly "I love you so much!"

Kurt starred at Zisteau confused. They were best friends and nothing more. Was that just the slip of the tongue?



"Don't you love me?

"I..I..." Kurt says awkwardly.

Kurt was so confused. Did he forget about something? But, he clearly remembered everything, well, except the accident.

"Are you ok Kurt?" Zisteau asks, worry plaguing his face.

"I... I don't remember us ever being together"


"Sorry to interupt, but, I need to borrow Kurt for a while, I'll have to run some tests." A doctor says kindly, entering the room.

Zisteau nods and leaves the room, tears staining his skin. Kurt was so confused. Why did Zisteau keep saying the he loved Kurt?

"What happened?" Kurt asks.

"You were I'm a car crash, which caused you to fall into a coma."

"Coma?" Kurt asked, surprised "For how long?"

"5 years"

"....." Kurt wasn't actually sure how to respond.

After quiet a few tests, the doctor had claimed that Kurt was indeed ok, and that he would be able to go home soon. He was still very confused. He could clearly remember his past, but he honestly couldn't remember ever being with Zisteau. Of course the thought of being more than friends had crossed his mind, but he was more than content on being his best friend.

"You'll be able to go home tomorrow. You may experience some side effects. Spotty memory, memory loss, headaches, sensibility to light and sound, and weakness. They should fade over time, though, I'm not worried about it. But, if they continue to be a problem for longer than a month, see a doctor." The doctor informs.

Memory loss. That could be it. That could be why he doesn't remember being with Zisteau at all.

"Alright. Well thank you. Could you, uh, send Zisteau in if you happen to see him?"

"No problem and of course."

Kurt sits on the hospital bed in silence, just thinking. He'd been in a coma for 5 years. 5 whole years. And, Zisteau had waited for him. He wondered how Eva was doing and his YouTube channel.... oh no! FLoB. What had happened to that?

"Hey... Kurt" Zisteau says, looking very sad.

"Come here Z." Kurt says.

Zisteau comes over and sits on the edge of the bed.

"No, no, come here." Kurt chuckles, opening his arms for a hug.

Zisteau moves over and hugs Kurt tightly. Kurt held Zisteau close. It was weird how right it felt to be this close to Zisteau. Kurt pressed a light kiss on Zisteau's head.

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