Hopelessly In Love

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This is something I wrote a long while ago and never got around to posting :P

"I don't know if I can love you." That's what Kurt had told the young high schooler.

He was hopelessly falling in love, yet he didn't know if he could actually love the boy in question. They were both so young, so dumbly in love, yet Kurt didn't know if he could trust himself, or the other. What if it was just the dumb, not real, young love most high schoolers felt? What if it's just a phase? Just something that would end as soon as it started.

"But Kurt..... I love you so much....."

"I know... but I just don't know if I can trust myself."

"But what about all we've been through?"

The boy made a good point. They'd been through a lot already. The first time Kurt felt butterflies in his stomach because of the boy. The first time they actually talked. Their first kiss. The first innocent kiss that lead to many, many more. Everything they'd been through, Kurt had stayed confident. But this, this made him question everything. They'd never said anything about love. But when it was thrown out there, Kurt didn't know how to react. Of course the thought had crossed his mind, but what the hell was he supposed to do? The thought scared him so badly. Was he really ready for this?

"I just don't know...." Kurt says, his voice barely a whisper, turning and running, running away from his problems like he always had, with tears in his eyes.

"Kurt!" The boy yelled, but didn't run after Kurt.

Kurt and the boy never talked again, for Kurt was far too scared of his own feelings to see him again.

That's what lead Kurt to this. They were welcoming the new Mindcracker, a YouTuber by the name of Zisteau. That didn't lead Kurt to anything, but the voice, that did. The voice was unmistakable. It had to be him, there was no mistaking it. Kurt was usually quiet, but he didn't talk at all. That voice made his heart flutter and butterflies settle in his stomach. He wasn't ready for this. He didn't know if he would ever be. But then they got on the Mindcrack sever. Kurt was having trouble actually logging on, but then he did....

"Kurt Mac?!?" Zisteau asks in bid disbelief.

"Uh.... hey.... Tyler...." Kurt replies awkwardly, already feeling his face heating up.

"We need to talk."



"Well that was awkward." Guude says with a laugh.

After all the fun and games on the server, everyone left the call, including Kurt. As soon as one call ended, another popped up. Kurt actually considered not answering the call. He wasn't ready for this. But, he wasn't ready a bunch of years ago. He clicked the answer button and took a deep breath.

"Kurt?" Tyler asks.

"Tyler?" Kurt asks back. He hadn't heard from or seen Tyler in so long. He almost didn't believe that this was real. It didn't feel real at all.

"Why did you walk away?" Tyler asks sadly.

"I don't know Tyler. I was so insecure."

"I-I thought you loved me."

"I did...."


"I.... I don't know how I feel."

"I still love you red and blue."

"I.... I still feel..... something towards you.... but I don't know what."

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