You'll Wait

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You wait day in and day out for them. You wait for the day when you'll see their beautiful face again. You wait for the day when you'll see their adorable bed head. You wait for the day when you'll hear them say 'I love you' in that beautiful voice of theirs. You wait for the day when you'll hear that infectious laugh of theirs, the one you loved more than anything.

You wait for the day when they'll kiss you again. you wait for the day when they'll be there to massage your tense shoulders. You wait for the day when they'll be there to hold your hand. You wait for the day when they'll be there when you fall asleep and when you wake. You wait for the day when they'll be there to pleasure you.

You wait for the day when you feel safe, wrapped in their arms again. You wait for the day when you'll feel happy again. You wait for the day when you'll finally feel whole again.

You wait for the day when they'll walk through the door again. You wait for the day when you greet them after a long day at work. You wait for the day when they'll be there to comfort you when it feels like the world hates you.

You wait for the day when you won't miss them anymore. You wait for the day when they'll finally come home.

You wait for the day when you won't have to wait anymore.

Deep down you know that day will never come. Deep down, where you still have some sanity, you know their gone. Deep down you know you'll always be waiting.

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