Chapter 5

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I look at this woman in front of me with so much shock and disbelief, I'm hoping she will take back what she had just said and we'd probably laugh about it, but no, she's still cool as a cucumber, she doesn't flinch even a bit.

"ma?..." words fail me, i want to say something, I want to ask her if she's being real about this suggestions.
"I know right now you probably think that the idea is absurd or insane, but give it a thought, I won't pressure you, when you're ready, you'll let me know I'll speak to Nathi or Abo" . She pats my back then takes the tray with the tea cups and walks out, as calmly as she was when she walked in.

I'm shocked, honestly I did not expect this. I spend the rest of the day locked up in the room thinking about what ma suggested to me, how will Muzi feel if he found out? I don't want to betray him like that, by sleeping with his own blood? That's like cheating on him, but then again he's currently in another woman's bed or something so I'd technically be doing us a favour.

While caught up in my thoughts there's a soft knock on the door, "come in" Andiswa walks in holding a tray of food with a glass of cranberry juice. I smile as I sit up "ma said I Should bring you some food and leave you to rest, I thought I'd sit with you for a while but then again she said you arent feeling well" she says this with a sad expression.

"no don't be silly, I feel better now since I slept a bit" I lie, "come, sit with me, plus the food is enough for the both of us" she snuggles next to me in the small throw blanket. We eat the dumpling and beef stew while she tells me about how school is going, her drama with friends and basically giving me a life update.

"it's so nice to have you around, it gets so boring here, I can't wait until one of you guys start having kids" she says this and holds herself as if she regrets what she has just said, I chuckle lightly, "don't worry, pretty soon you'll have a neice or nephew to annoy you every single day, so be careful what you wish for" we both laugh.

"the last time we had a baby around the house was before Lindo moved" she says this sadly, Lindo is abongile's first born, she's the cutest human and the princess of the family, she moved to Dubai 2 years ago with her mother and hardly ever comes, Abo does go often to visit them though.

Chatting with Andiswa made me realise how much my decision would mean for not only myself but the whole mabaso family, if I bare this child then it'll probably be something to bring the family together again, in as much as it goes against my Christian values and how I was raised, sometimes sacrifices have to be made, I'm doing this to save my marriage, I also deserve a fair chance at love with the only man I know how to love.

I freshen up after Andiswa leaves, change into a dress again and sandals, that's the disadvantage about being at my inlaws I always need to dress in a certain way.

It's almost bedtime for most of the people here, well Andiswa Is asleep already when I arrive downstairs I find uMa and ubaba sitting as soon as I get to the dinning room, ubaba dismisses himself saying he was headed to bed anyway.

"Aya, how are you feeling" I sigh, I take a seat next to her, "I'm okay ma, I thought about what we spoke about, I want to do it, anything to save my marriage" she looks at me for sometime as if she's trying to read my expressive to see if I'm genuine or not.

Then a smile curves up on her lips, "I knew my son chose well when he chose to marry you" well technically your son was forced to marry me.

"now that you've decided, you can leave everything else to me, I'll sort it out, but you'll have to at least stay this side for a month or so, I'll tell Muzi that it's better for you to say here for sometime since he's always not home then we'll take it from there"

She pats my back before she heads upstairs, I prepare leftover dinner for myself and head upstairs to the bedroom. I browse through my phone,only to come across a text from Muzi it reads "maGumede, hi" it was sent in the afternoon and since I am hardly on my phone I didn't notice it.

"mtungwa(his clan name) how are you?"  he will probably not respond but hey its worth the try. I plug in my earphones and listen to a bit of old school rnb,my phone vibrates
"ukuphi maQwabe(where are you MaQwabe)"  well this touches my heart, to know that he's actually concerned about my well being, I guess there's light, which gives me more reason to go on with this pregnancy idea.

I decide not to respond, since MA did say that I should leave it all to her, I'm doing just that, I respond to some of the whatsapp messages I had, from my sisters Mbali and Thembi, we chat a bit until i decide to call it a night. I doze off

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