Chapter 48

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*Nathi's POV *
The drive to Ayanda's estate was long but I finally arrive around 1am, the door is locked so I call her.
"hello" she answers in her sexy sleepy voice, "please open up" I hear a bit of shuffling before she hangs up.

She opens while rubbing her eyes, then just looks at me before she starts walking off, I gently pull her back and wrap my arms around her "I'm sorry..." I say, she's quiet the whole time, I plant a kiss on her lips, as I deepen it she pulls away "your parents are sleeping over" oh she must've fetched them from the hospital. "do you want something to eat?" I nod, she switches on the lights to heat up food for me while I sit on the high chair.

She hands me the food then walks back upstairs, after my meal I walk upstairs to her bedroom to find her snoring again.

*Aya's POV*
I'm upset with him but a part of me is relieved that he came back, I was worried about him. I heard him walking up the stairs so I had to pretend to me asleep just to avoid any form of awkwardness. He takes off his clothes then joins me in bed, I'm facing the opposite direction so he spoons me from behind, his hands are cold. He plants a kiss at the back of my neck while he slowly traces his hands around my boobs, my breathing has changed, he notices this.

"turn around and look at me" his command just turns me on even more, as soon as I face his direction, our lips clash against each other, his hands explore my whole body until he finds a way to undress me, "we have guests Mntungwa..." he doesn't even pay attention to what I'm saying, his hand makes its way down to my lady parts, he parts my folds then gently starts working my clit, I'm trying so hard to control myself, he gets between my thighs and positions himself, he slides it in slowly, inch by inch until he is fully in, he stops and groans a bit. "Nathi..." I call out "Hmmm" he responds while he starts moving at a slower pace, "condoms" I say, he increases the pace, "for what?" he asks in between every thrust.

I don't respond, "you're going to be my wife right?" I nod while trying to control my moans, "then we don't need anything standing in the way of our pleasure" his paces increases and I'm at a point where I can't even control my loud moans, he is hitting it hard and I've reached my peak 3 times already.

He suddenly reduces the pace, he hits it slowly, passionately and with so much gentleness, he does this while slowly massaging my boobs and kissing my neck, my legs tremble as I reach climax after climax, he then slowly removes himself, he didn't reach his climax though which is quite surprising because he stopped.

He gets off then lies down beside be before pulling me into his arms and kissing my sweaty forehead. "ubuyaphi?" well no amount of good sex can ever make me forget that I'm actually upset. He shifts a bit "I went for a long drive, believe it or not you're all that I thought about the whole time" as cute as this whole thing is supposed to sound, he has a sick child who is less than 3 months old, laying on a hospital bed, that's all he should be thinking about.

"why did you storm out on me like that?" he kisses my forehead again, "I needed time to think and process things", "what happened?" he sighs, "chances are high that he might not be mine" I'm confused. He further explains how he found out and I'm just left in a state of shock, they were together though so how could that possibly be true. I will never understand how women can cheat on men that they sleep next to every night, I think it's understandable but not justifiable to cheat on a man whom you live in a seperate province from.

He just moves to bury his head on my boobs, he does that a lot lately, I just cuddle him up and let him be. Regardless of how much of a mess he is, I love this man. "thank you for fetching my parents from the hospital" I'm surprised as to how he knew that I'm the one who fetched them. "it's okay, I need to go to work in the morning" he sighs, "is there no way you could take leave?" "I'll call my supervisor and request for the week off", "ngiyabonga sthandwa sam" he says, "well the leave isn't finalized yet" I respond, "no, thank you for holding my hand, I promise you once all this is over, I'll do what I've had to do from the first time I laid my eyes on you" I kiss his forehead then we slowly doze off.

The next morning started off with a very steamy session in the shower, I make a mental note to get morning after pills on our way to the hospital, we didn't use protection. I woke up at 6 to prepare breakfast. I made sure that the table has everything because I don't know what the elders would prefer, I even made white porridge as well as brown mabele porridge, obviously with the help of my mum over the phone. My family knows part of the situation, they're not entirely supportive of this whole arrangement but then again there's not much that can be done now, I'm in too deep.

I go upstairs to freshen up after setting the table, I brush my teeth and change into a free flowing maxi dress and a doek over my hair which I need to figure out what I'll do with. I sent my supervisor an email then woke Nathi up. He was complaining all the way to the shower. I just chuckled and let him be.

Walking back downstairs I found uMa and the seer sitting on the couches. "Sanbona" I greet and join them, "Makoti" MaSithole greet, ma also greets back. "I've prepared something to eat please come with me" on our way to the dinning table uBaba follows us from the bathroom downstairs, it seems he was freshening up, the old women keep talking about how comfortably they slept.

We sit and say grace before they dig in. Nathi walks down looking fresh and clean but still wearing what he had on yesterday because had it been just him and I he'd obviously wear my robe, none of his clothes are left here so he has no choice. He greets then takes a seat. "ukhethe kahle ndodana, even though it took you a while to make her yours" MaSithole has started yet again with speaking in riddles. Nathi has a proud smile. I clear my throat "at what time are we going to the hospital?" Ma instantly shoots me a look with a frown on her face. "for what?!" she asks, in a slightly exclaimed tone.

"Amahle is still Nathi's wife, and we are not sure about the pertanity of the child so I thought we'd rightfully go and ensure that the child is doing well", "uqinisile uMakoti, she's still your wife Nathi, the mabaso ancestors would be furious, we need to go until this whole thing is confirmed" uBaba supports. I'm glad someone is on my side.

After breakfast we get ready to drive down to the hospital. I drive with the women, Nathi drives with his dad.

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