Chapter 20

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"cute place you have here" he's being silly I playfully hit him and we both laugh, "look I'm too drunk can I sleepover? I promise not to bother you, I'll leave first thing tomorrow morning" I laugh and nodd, "you'll have to take the couch then, the other room belongs to my baby" he smiles, "you mean our baby?" why am I even entertaining this guy, he is drunk.

"I'm off to bed now, make yourself comfortable" I say, he holds my hand as I'm about to walk off and attacks me with a kiss, at first I try so hard not to give in until his hands move to my ass and he grabs it, I responded to the kiss, things got a bit heated, I pulled away from the kiss, "I'm 34 weeks pregnant, due for Labour at any time from now, we can't"

He pulls away, weird how he just understood without even questioning me. "so the divorce is final?" okay... How does he know about the divorce, "I'm a lawyer Aya, I have friends in the same field as well" I guess he read my mind, "yes... It is" that's all I manage to say. "I'm glad you're finally choosing yourself, I'm proud of you" I'd be lying if I say the last part didn't melt my heart, at least someone sees that I'm actually trying to be a better person.

"Goodnight now, I should really get some rest, make yourself comfortable, feel at home" he nodds and smiles, i go upstairs to my room, change into my nightdress then slide into my sheets.

As I'm slowly dozing off, I feel someone getting into the sheets with me, it can only be Nathi, I didn't even tense up, I expected this. He snuggles closer to be then spoons me, i was facing the opposite direction but I turn to face him, he holds me in his arms and kisses my forehead. "lala ke maQwabe wam", for some weird reason, this right here just feels right.

The next morning I woke up alone in bed, I stretch myself then head to the bathroom to brush my teeth and freshen up, I'm not feeling well, my back hurts a bit, so is my lower abdomen. On my way downstairs I pass the baby nursery and the door is open, nathi is in there sitting on the nursing chair. "Hawu, mtungwa" he is stuttled a bit, he seems to have been in deep thoughts.

I walk over to where is he, he stands and opens his arms for me, we stay like that in complete silence for sometime. "this feels right..." he says, I'm just glad I'm not the only one feeling this way, "but it's wrong, according to my family you're carrying my brother's son, maybe I should've continued staying away from you, but then again the heart wants what it wants"

What is he saying now, he pulls away making me face him "I want you to know that no matter what happens or where life takes us, I'll always, always love you..." he then kisses my forehead and grabs his car keys.

We walk down the stairs together and honestly the pain I'm feeling is now a bit unbearable. "I'm leaving now" he says, then walks to the door "Nathi..." he turns "I'm in pain..." and at this point I'm already in tears, my lower abdomen hurts so much not to mention my painful back. "should I take you to the hospital?" I nodd with tears on my face he's panicking. "okay come let's go" he holds my hand but then again I remember.

"please fetch the baby bag in the nursery, I think it's time" he rushes upstairs then in a few minutes he's back. We drive off to MidMed hospital, at this point I'm honestly in the most excruciating pain I cannot even bare this. "please call uMuzi..." I ask, afterall he is the father of this child. He nodds and tries calling him while driving and I see he's getting frustrated, "what's wrong?" I ask, "his phone is off" he says this between his teeth, he's really annoyed.

We finally arrive to the hospital, he wheels me in in a wheelchair and the nurses take me leading me to the meternity ward.

*Nathi's POV*
I'm so grateful that she go her Labour pains while she was with someone, I wonder where this fucker of a brother of mine is, his phone is off and I'm left with only one option to call uLihle because I don't think Aya would like to go into Labour without the "father" of her child holding her hand. Lihle's phone rings unanswered, I call uMa instead maybe she'll know what to do.

"Nkosi..." she answers, "ma, uAya is in Labour and I'm trying to get ahold of uMuzi but his phone is off, she cannot do this on her own ma" I'm panicking now, "how did you get there? Which hospital is she in? We'll fly in on the next available flight, Nathi please be there for her" just like that she hung up, this is messed up, I don't know what to do now.

"Mr Mabaso..." a nurse calls out here in the waiting room clearly she was sent by Aya, I'm the only Mr Mabaso here, Aya probably thought Muzi has arrived yet its so unfortunate, but since I'm here and I'm the father I'll step in. "yes..." I walk over to her. "your wife asked that we let you in, she's ready for Labour..." I'm nervous, my palms are sweaty I don't know what's going on, my heart is beating out of my chest.

I follow after the nurse, she opens the door and I see her laying down with her legs parted, she is sweating and crying, I rush to her."Aya, are you okay?" she looks at me as if I'm crazy and her cries get a bit louder "Nathi get me out of here" what the heck does she mean now. The nurse sticks her finger between Aya's thighs "okay it's time, daddy hold her hand, Mommy you'll listen closely to my instructions and please try by all means to follow through everything that I say and then we will be done in no time okay?" she nodds endlessly.

"push only when I tell you to, one... Two.. Three push" the basically repeat the same process for sometime and Aya's screams get louder and louder with every push, with that her grib on my hand gets tighter and tighter, I swear I've never been so scared in all my life.

After a few more pushes the room is filled with loud cries from a tiny voice... My baby

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