Chapter 44

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He literally ate all his food then left the plate on the coffee table, he places his feet on me and takes the remote. I just let him be, I'm upset and he isn't even bothered.

He's so much into Formula1 lately so that's what he's watching. I remove his feet from me then walk upstairs to my room. I prepare my bed then slide into my sheets, I'm reading a book about healing by T.D Jake's and so far it has been really helpful for my healing journey.

There's a soft knock on my door before he let's himself in, "ufunani?" I ask, paying no attention to him. "I just wanted to let you know that I'm leaving now so you can come down to lock up" I nod then stand up, I'm wearing a short night dress because honestly I didn't think he'd invite himself into my room. I grab my robe and follow him downstairs.

*Nathi's POV*
My life is a complete mess, mum is not feeling well, Amahle doesn't want to do a thing that I say, MaSithole has summoned me and I'm too afraid to go there because of what I'd find. The only thing currently making sense is my daughter and Ayanda.

Ayanda treats me like a man, she makes me feel respected and appreciated, she knows just how a Zulu man wants to be treated, my wife on the other hand believes that a marriage should be 50/50, our marriage is in shambles and she doesn't even seem bothered at all.

Walking into Aya looking so sexy in bed really did a thing on me, she's always sulking about something when I'm here with her, the sexual tension between us is thicker than her yellow thighs.

She's walking in front of me on our way downstairs and with every step we take her tiny robe that she has on keeps getting pulled up by all her thickness. We get downstairs and she's standing by the bottom of the staircase waiting for my to take my car keys and cellphone which I left on the coffee table. "yini ungikwatele?" I ask, teasing her with a mischievous smile, she just mouths a "Mxm" then looks away. "Awww Ngiyaxolisa ke maGumede omuhle" she blushes but quickly masks it with a frown.

"ngicela uhambe tuu Nathi" this sulking of hers really turns me on, "ufuna ngihambe ngempela?" I move closer to her and she moves back a bit, "huh? Ngikhuluma nawe mama" her breathing has changed, I know she wants this just as much as I do. "Nathi...."shes now pinned against the wall," Hmmm? " I say while tracking my fingers on her clear facial skin," ha...hamba" she utters, a bit out of breathe, "Ngizohamba ke yezwa?" she nods, now my thumb is rubbing against her pink, juicy and inviting lips, she has slightly parted them while I do this.

I draw closer to her and bring my lips just an inch away from hers "ngihambe?" she's silent and her eyes are closed, "maGumede..." she's still silent, that's my que, I plant a wet kiss on her pink lips, as I am about to pull away she wraps her arms around my neck, I pick her up and pin her against the wall with her legs parted....

*Ayanda's POV*
He moves his hands up my thighs pushing my robe and my gown further up, his hands reach my lady parts which might I add, are dripping with wetness, he slowly rubs his fingers between my folds, this here feels like heaven on earth, he pushes in one finger while his thumb is working my clit, at this point he is kissing my neck and my moans get louder with every rub and every thrust of his finger.

He slides in the second finger and I can feel myself getting closer and closer to my climax, he feels it too, he groans as my walls tighten around his fingers and I let out a loud moan of pleasure, it's been a while!

I can't feel my legs and I have my head buried on his chest, I finally look up. "ngiyahamba ke manje" he says, then perks my lips and walks to put me down on the couch, he takes his car keys and cellphone.

"Nathi..." I call out for him before he walks out of the sitting room, he looks back "don't leave...Please" he walks back to me with a mischievous smile. "Hawu? Yindaba, uyasaba ukulala wedwa?" I just laugh and playfully hit him. He carries me upstairs, gently places me on my bed then takes off his clothes. "Nathi" he looks at me "condoms?" he looks at me for sometime I can't read his expression, he sighs and gets dressed again.

My heart breaks, he's leaving. "don't leave" my voice is breaking and I'm trying to hold back the tears, he notices and suddenly he's panicking, he sits next to me and pulls me into his arms, "I'm not leaving, please don't cry, I understand why you asked for that and I'll respect it and go and buy them, hence I'm getting dressed" I nod, I pull away after sometime.

"can I come with you?" he smiles, "Haii kodwa nawe uyatetema Asambe ke" I wear my slippers and he grabs his keys before we drive out to the garage, he walks out leaving me in the car because I'm wearing my pj's unlike him.

He comes back with 3 boxes, he notices my shock and just bursts out in laughter, "and then?" I ask, he just takes my hand and kisses it before driving off.

We get back and as I try to open the door I notice that it's locked, I look over at him and it's that naughty smile again. "Woza la" he drags his seat back, pulls me into a wet kiss, now in my mind I'm trying to figure out how all of this is going to happen, I'm a chubby girl for heavens sake!

He lowers the chair then tells me to hop onto his lap, I do that and after 3 good minutes of struggling to get into a comfortable position, I'm on to and this man's pants are already off. He passionately kisses me while playing with my nipples, I'm dripping wet, he positions himself, slides on the condom then slowly pushes himself in, he groans as he feels my walls stretching to accommodate him, I'm moaning uncontrollably because it's honestly been a while, he increases his pace "Aya... I'm close" he says as he increases the pace, just like that we both reach climax. He takes out facial tissues from his dashboard then wipes us up.

"sukuma ke sihambe siyolala" he says, "I can't feel my legs" I genuinely can't. He chuckles then helps me move back to my seat, he fixes himself then walks to my side to carry me into the house. We spent the whole weekend together and don't worry, this time I was extra cautious, we are in no position to be pregnant again.

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