Chapter 31

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It's been a week since the durban trip and I'm glad to be back home. I managed to get the pill and thank God I drank it. I haven't spoken to nathi since, while thando told me that Nathi told them to leave shortly after I left, including his girlfriend.

Its Friday today and school ended 30 minutes ago but I am still here trying to finalize a grade 11 June exam paper so that I can send it through for moderation so that I won't have work to complete over the weekend.

While busy my phone screen lights up indicating that I have a new message. It's an Instagram direct message. It comes from Jason, "Ms Gumede, could you please have dinner with me tonight? My place?" okay very straight to the point. Him and I haven't spoken for sometime now but I guess his intentions haven't changed, but how do I even tell him that I don't have a stay at home nanny to babysit." I'd love to but my nanny is on leave so I have no one to babysit and I honestly don't trust anyone else with my child"

In as much as I'd like to go out with him but then again I need someone to look after the princess for me. I finally finish the test paper, email It to the HOD then pack my things, I can finally go and spend sometime with my nana.

As I get into my car, about to drive off I get another message notification. "how about a date at your place then? I'll prepare the food and set up the table, what time is her bedtime?" I must say, this is very thoughtful of him but letting in a complete stranger into my house doesn't sound like a safe idea.

Or maybe I can alert complex security if I feel unsafe around him, I mean he seems harmless." sure, I'll send you my address"

I drive home and as soon as I get there I drive ma'martha to the taxi rank then when we get home I place with princess a bit. We watched some YouTube videos, mostly rhymes and alphabets even though this girl didn't even pay much attention to it unless I was clapping hands which she'd also do.

She finally retired to bed at 19h30,her usual bed time is at around 20h10 so she mustve been exhausted. I take a quick shower, change into a dress then go back downstairs to pick a movie while I wait for my date to arrive.

I'm woken up from a very uncomfortable nap by the baby monitor, my princess is crying her lungs out and my neck on the other hand is killing me, i reach for my phone to check the time and it's 8h30 in the morning, I mustve passed out on the couch while waiting for Jason to arrive, I am famished also since I didn't cook any dinner last night.

I make my way upstairs to the princess whose cheeks are pink and eyes are red from all the crying, her nose is puffy and pink, immediately when I take her into my arms she puts her head on my chest and sucks on her thumb, I guess my baby is as hungry as I am.

I take off the dress that I am wearing and wear my gown only then we go downstairs, I put my baby in her feeding chair while I make breakfast for us, she's having weetbix, I feed her while I make my greasy breakfast.

Once we're done eating we take a bath together then sit in the sitting room while she plays on the floor. I go through my phone and I notice 3 messages on Instagram from Jason. "something came up, I wont make it but I'll make it up to you I promise" that's the first text

"good morning, can I see you today?" second text
"I guess I've screwed up all my chances of ever being with you. Sorry for bothering you Ms gumede"
After reading these texts I just decide to block him. He's inconsistent and clearly has more important things for him to do. Even if we were to persue anything, I doubt he'd be able to prioritize us.

I'm back to house hunting again, we need a bigger place asap, I honestly need a stay at home nanny, I cannot run my arrands because Ntoko is always with me.

My phone rings, it's my mother in law, or ntokozo's Granny I don't know anymore. "ma, ninjani?" I pick up. "Makoti, ngiyaphila sisi, ninjani Nina? Uphi umzukulu wam?" I smile "she's here playing on the floor" she chuckles "I miss her, I'm having a late lunch with the family today and I'd love it if you guys could join us"

"we'd love to" no we'd rather stay home and do nothing but it's rude to decline an invite especially since my baby is a Mabaso she deserves to know her father's side of the family. "alright then see you later koti, kiss her for me, bye" we end the call and I must say I'm really not looking forward to today.

Since my baby and I have already taken a bath, it's her nap time so I take her to bed then pack a bag for her. I pack emergency clothes as well as diapers, baby wipes, her bath cloth, her blankets and all her meds just in case something happens.

I take the 2 bags to the car then pack her baby stroller as well as her feeding chair, I hate inconveniencing people when I visit with my baby so I make sure I have everything that she will need. I pick an outfit for her, a cute pair of purple leggings with a tiny tutu skirt attached, and a cute white Sofia the first t-shirt, paired with pink sandals and pink ribbons for her hair. It's a bit chilly outside so I packed warmer clothes for her.

I change into a knitted bodycon baige knee length dress, with black gucci fur slides. I fix my hair and now it's time to wake the princess up, she'll be grumpy the whole way, her afternoon naps usually end around 14h30 and it's just after 2pm.

She cries a bit until I put her in her car seat and dry to hush her back to sleep. We drive off to Sandton.

Ma made it sound like this is just an intimate thing but judging by the cars parked out here, it seems rather big. I find parking space and thando walks towards my car as I park. "girlfriend!" she chants, we hug briefly "unjan mfazi?" I ask, she smiles "same old same old, unjan wena sisi?" I smile while handing her the bags and unbuckling little miss from her car seat, she's been chatty now since Shes up. "ngiyaphila mina oe" we walk in while she tells me about her and her man.

We walk in from the sitting room sliding door and there's luckily some of Thando and Nathi's younger cousins, around my age so I greet then walk past to find my mother in law. All this while my baby is still in my hands, I should've taken out her stroller. I get to the kitchen and find ladies moving around preparing food and salads, but I notice Nathi's fiance also among these ladies but sitting on the high chair.

I walk over to my mother in law with my stinging heart. "sanbona ma..." she turns and immediately embraces me in a hug, "you came!" she says taking Wami into her hands, wami wants to cry she keeps looking at me with her mouth showing that she's ready to cry but gogo walks off with her. I didn't even bring an apron, what type of a Makoti am I?

I walk to where I left thando" girl borrow me your apron, Makoti duties are calling" she laughs, "Hamba Ntombi" she hands it to me then I walk off back to the kitchen.

I find a packet of carrots next to Nathi's girl, seems like she was grating them but stopped she's busy on her phone now. I grab the packet, "hey, need help?" she looks up from her phone, "Hi, Amanda right?" I chuckle, "it's Ayanda" she smiles "close enough, if you don't mind finishing up this chakalaka I need to go and take a few more videos for my vlog" she doesn't even wait for my response and off she goes.

I guess I'll have to take over...

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