Chapter 28

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It's 1pm and I'm trying out dresses that I packed, none of them seem to be making the cut, I wanted to look cute today not like a balloon. I try out my second last dress. It's a bodycon dress, dusty pink, strapless and would go perfect with my gold block heel sandals. I straighten my hair and apply nude lipstick. I look good and this dress is hugging me so perfectly. I'm ready to make an entrance.

I request an Uber to the address sent by Tee and off I go. I arrive within 15 minutes and it looks packed, there's a lot of cars parked outside, I thought she said it wasn't something big. I walk in and Andiswa spots me even before I make it to the entrance of the house. She runs to me and gives me a hug, "sisi, where's Ntoky?" she asks "she's back in joburg nana" we walk in while chatting she's telling me about her drama at school as usual.

I walk in and find everyone moving around trying to get the place ready for the ceremony to start. Andiswa leads me to Tee's bedroom, I knock lightly then let myself in. I find her with her other 2 cousins and a lady whom I'm seeing for the first time. I greet and she screams a bit "mntase you made it!!!" I give her a hug.

"I wouldn't have missed this for the world you know that Mos!" she smiles "I know that's right!!" she does a little twerk, Tee is a whole mood honestly. Lusanda is giving me that stinky eye and I'm not even about to entertain her or her messed up family it's not worth it.  I'm here to celebrate a good friend of mine here so I don't care what they've got to say.

"we turning up for the after party right?" Tee asks me, "you know that's righttttt!" she screams when I say that, I swear I feel young again when I'm with thando I think that's what I appreciate most about her, she let's me be myself while supporting all my craziness.

While we sit and chat as she gets herself ready Andiswa walks in to let me know that my mother in law would like to see me.

"mntase I'll be right back Eish" she chuckles "Hamba sisi, wena washada phela" I hit her playfully before walking out. Im now walking around this huge house like one headless chicken looking for her. I finally find her outside in the garden with other family member. "sanbonani..." the conversation they were having suddenly ends. "yebo" the other woman mumble "Koti wam, unjani?" my mother in law stands and gives me a hug. "ngiyaphila ma, ninjani nini?" she smiles "Cha siyaphila nathi, awusho ke, Uphi umzukulu wam?" I lowkey knew that this was about Ntokozo, the other women here are sizing me, you can tell that as soon as I leave here, I'm going to be a hot topic to discuss.

"usele ekhaya ma, traveling isn't simple when it's just her and I. It's easier when there's someone driving, she's too young to fly" she nodds. "alright ke koti, Muzi and nathi are on the other side with their cousins braaing meat" why is she giving me this information. I nodd and smile before walking back into the house. I find a chair in the sitting room and decide to sit there and wait for the ceremony to start.

I'm obviously going to try and occupy myself with my phone because the person I came here for is actually the star of the show and I have no choice but to chill here alone. As I'm busy on my phone I get an Instagram message request. It's from a "Jay-M", it's probably those herbal life distributors or forex scammers. I open the message
::"Hi Ayanda, I'm sorry for messaging you here but I just didn't think you'd actually use my business card to contact me so I had to make a plan to ensure that I can at least see you again. Take care, enjoy yourself at the grad ceremony we'll chat whenever you're free"

For some weird reason I'm finding this cute that he actually made an effort to get ahold of me. I notice that he has also sent me a follow request. As I'm about to type out my response we are told that we can go and occupy the tent as the ceremony is about to start. So I make a mental note to respond to him later after this whole ceremony when I get to my hotel room.

We head out and take our seats in this beautifully decorated green and yellow themed marquee. I sit and the chair next to me is empty, this gives me so much peace at least I won't have to be all chatty with anyone I can just focus on the event. "maQwabe..." I guess I celebrated wayy too soon. He sits next to me and I'm so annoyed. But I must say he looks clean, dressed in a black Chino and crisp white t shirt he looks clean. "Nkosi..." that's all I manage to say. He pulls a chair and sits.

"uyaphila mama?" he asks, I just nodd, he keeps quite and the ceremony finally starts, the MC introduces himself, he's a very bubbly gay man, I enjoy being in the company of the LGBTI community, they're very bubbly and happy people full of jokes to keep the event nice and viby.

The girl of the moment walks in, our Doctor. We all stand and cheer on her as she walks towards her chair. The festivities go on and finally the program ends and it's time to eat. It's around 5 and obviously bolt and Uber prices are insane late in the evening so I should probably head back after an hour or 2. The food Is served and people are socializing. "where's the little one?" he asks, "I left her noMama back at home" he smiles a bit, "mind if I see some of her recent pictures or videos?" I smile, I open my phone and show him a whole folder full of videos and pictures of my favourite human. While I narrate what was going on in that particular moment.

"this looks cosy..." Thando walks over to us, this girl is full of nonsense. "Yeka nje ukphapha we Thando" Nkosi says, we laugh "Mogirl, are we still up for tonight?" shoot I forgot, "yeah sure of cause, but my only issue is transport, I flew in so my car is back at home" honestly that isn't even the reason why, I'm feeling tired and I just wanna curl up and sleep it's a bit chilly as well and I didn't pack for the weather.

"I'll be your chauffeur for the weekend... That's if you don't mind" Nkosi quickly jumps in, this is about to be a Hella messy weekend.

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