Chapter 7

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*a month later*
A lot has happened since I was in KZN, Nathi and I spent more and more time together and I must say I truly enjoy his company, he is a very amazing person, a gentleman, he is also one of the few people who are interested to know what my plans about my life are, what I aspire to achieve and how I plan to go about achieving all those goals.

Besides us spending time together it has been very difficult to initiate the plan and ma was getting impatient, I thought maybe I should come back to joburg for sometime to give Nathi some space to decide if he is still keen on doing this for us.

*Nathi's POV*
The past 2 months have been... Great I guess, having Ayanda around was truly amazing, she's a great individual, with an amazing personality and also a great heart, a driven woman, honestly she's all I've been looking for in a woman.

Yes, I said it, the past couple of months spent with her has made me realise that actually she deserves better, she certainly doesn't deserve that coward brother of mine, he's back with his married ex girlfriend, and lately spends most of his time with Lihle and her son, playing happy family while his wife is trying so hard to fix their marriage.

Ayanda deserves a real man, one that will love her just the way she deserves to be loved, she is soft, kind and gentle, she deserves love at its purest form, but then again, Muzi met her first so there's really nothing I can do to be with her.

She left a couple of days ago saying she needs to spend sometime home with her husband who clearly won't be home anyway, I let her leave because honestly I needed time to consider my decision of agreeing to this whole madness, I cannot watch Muzi raise my child as his own, he is incapable of being a good husband and a good father, no amount of children will change that, but I will go ahead and do this for Ayanda's sake.

It's Friday today and I decided to take the day off so I can fly down to joburg for the weekend, I know Muzi won't be home so it gives ayanda and myself enough time to get this out of the way, my brother disgusts me I don't even want to spend this weekend at his house, I book my plane ticket and a hotel room in Sandton city since it's closer to Muzi's house.

I pack and head out. On my way to the airport I send a very risky text to Ayanda "spend the weekend with me, the sands hotel, room 408,see you later"  I then switched off my phone since Im about to arrive at the airport.

The flight to joburg wasn't long, I landed at 12h00 then requested an Uber ride to the Sands. I arrive then freshen up and change into sweatpants and a simple t shirt, as I'm about to switch on my phone the hotel phone rings, "Hello", I pick up "Mr Mabaso, there's an Ayanda Gumede who is here to see you, should we send her in?" "yes please do send her in" I end the call.

I'm suddenly nervous, I mean I have never been much into women or relationships so I really don't know how to act around a woman, especially one that I feel so deeply about. A few moments later there's a soft knock on the door.

I rush to open and she stands there with a shy smile on her face, she's dressed in a body hugging black dress, she looks so gorgeous, "are you going to let me in?" she asks with her shy smile, her question snaps me out of my own world, I move aside and let her in, great she has a small overnight bag.

*Ayanda's POV*
Since I got home my husband still does this thing of his only coming home to freshen up and leave, he still calls only sometimes to check up on me but he is hardly ever home. Receiving a text from Nathi is just what I needed, I'm young, I should live a little, my husband is living his best life wherever he is, I haven't even confronted him about the colored girl incident at ocean basket because clearly she's the one keeping him busy.

I packed an overnight bag and I'm wearing my favourite underwear, don't look at me like that, my marriage is failed, I might as well accept it.

I drive off to the hotel but part of be feels like I'll get stood up by this guy, I mean his phone is off anyway. I arrive there lucky enough he is in.

One thing about Nathi, he looks great in anything. Let me give you a brief description of him, he's tall and a bit on the dark side, skintone wise, he's skinny slim and tall, and has a sexy deep voice to accompany the height, he's raw Zulu accent also adds on to the sexiness.

He glanced at me for a moment before letting me in, I walk in and place my bag on the couch. "would you like anything to drink?" oh and he's a gentleman too, "Uhm, I don't know..."  "Orange juice" we say that in unison and I giggle a bit, I guess he has picked up just how much I love my orange juice. He calls room service while I unbuckle my sandals and take a seat on one of the couches.

He orders the drinks then comes and sits on a couch next to mine, "so... How was your morning" he asks while nervously rubbing his hands, I giggle a bit "my morning was quiet as always, how was your flight" he sits up "long, I couldn't wait to see you again" I look away, the awkwardness in the room is saved by the room service delivery. "here you go" I take a sip and we talk a bit about how his week was "would you like to go for dinner with me? I mean it's not like a date or anything it's just dinner, the hotel has a nice restaurant downstairs..." I cut him from all his nervous blabbing

"yes, dinner sounds great" he smiles, "let me leave you to freshen up while I go downstairs to make our dinner reservations" he stands and does the unexpected, he plants a kiss on my cheek and walks off as if nothing happened....

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