Chapter 9

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*Muzi's POV*
I'm so upset and hurt, lihle lied to me. The past couple of months have been so amazing, like the good old days when her and I were still together. I can't deny that she's my soul mate, she just got blinded by the flashy life that this new guy advertised to her, which I couldn't afford at that time.

Lihle and I were inseparable back in our Varsity days, I was planning to marry her when she Decided to leave me, we recently started talking again and decided to link up, she told me about her marital problems and I told her about mine too and we found comfort in each other, we started spending more time together, and she would bring her son along, Junior. This whole thing brought back all the plans we made together, we got to experience how it would've been like if we were married and had our own junior.

But all that was short lived when today lihle told me she's pregnant and it's not mine, her and her husband have decided to fix things, she might even possibly move away from joburg since her husband found a better paying job in the northern cape. She's doing it again, leaving me for this guy who she doesn't even love as much as she loves me.

See one thing about lihle, she's gorgeous, definitely my type, the slim Pettit type of woman, she's sexy and very beautiful, she's everything I ever wanted in a woman but clearly she doesn't feel the same way.

I left work early today, I spent most of this morning thinking about my life, everyone decides to leave whenever they've had enough of me but there's only one person who stuck around even with my bullshit, Ayanda has been an amazing wife and I've been too dumb to notice all her efforts, I come home after 5 days but I'll still find a home cooked meal, my bed will be warm and my clothes washed and neatly ironed, she's treated me like a man even when I have been acting like a boy.

Truth is, she's an amazing person, I know for a fact that she deserves better, I fear that one day she'll notice that and she'll also leave me, i think its time I fixed my ways.

On my way home I called my dad and he is in full support of my decision, I'm going to be a better husband to ayanda, I'll learn to love her right. Yes, I'm not really in love with ayanda, she's not the type of woman I'd go after but at the time when we met she was there in my toughest times when my business wasn't doing well so I fell for all that but the mistake of getting her pregnant was one that led us to this.

I walk in to find her sitting on the couch still in her pjs, I guess she didn't expect me home so soon, heck who am I kidding she didn't expect me home at all.

After serving me my food she went up to bath, so I finish eating and I follow her upstairs, we need to talk.

She sits next to me and I'm mute, I don't know what to say, I feel like a coward. "maGumede, I know I haven't been the best husband, I know I've made you doubt my love for you and I've failed to stick to my wedding vows, and I'm deeply sorry for that, I'm willing to work on us, I can even attend therapy, we can do it together actually, only if you allow me to right my wrongs and be the husband that you deserve"

*Ayanda's POV*
I look at this man sitting next to me with so much pain, Muzi has taken me for a ride for years now, he's not saying these words for the first time, it's only until he meets the next girl who'll interest him again. "I know I've said this before, but I mean it this time, I'm willing to build a family with you" he holds my hands into his and I don't say much I just let the tears flow, he pulls me into his arms and I just let it all out, the pain, the hurt, I didn't get to grief the loss of my baby with my husband, he was never home to go through it with me, he has never been present...

I wake up to a dark bedroom, I'm wrapped in a throw and the curtains are closed, I guess I mustve cried to sleep. I stretch my body and sit up, I grab my phone to find a text from Nkosi, "so dad told me that your husband is planning to fix things, I wish you all the best Ayanda" I sense a lot of sarcasm from this text message so I choose not to respond.

As I'm busy on my phone the door opens and Muzi walks in, holding what looks like a tray, he switches on the lights and yes it's a tray of food with a glass of juice. "hey sleepy head, I brought you something to eat"

I smile, he hands me the tray and I instantly laugh, he looks at me confused I contain myself quickly and thank him I dig in "do you like it?" I look up at him trying to suppress my laugh I nodd "tastes great, compliments to the chef" his smile widens.

He sits and watches me eat, after I finish eating I head down to the kitchen to put the plates. He follows behind me, "how's it going with post graduate applications" oh he listened "you forgot to throw away the takeaway bag from fish aways" I chuckle and he is flushed with embarassment, well I knew from how the food looked that it couldn't possibly be him who made that.

After washing the dishes, I leave him in the sitting room, well normally around this time I'd be watching my soapies but I'm not used to having a "guest" around the house to I opt to head to bed.

"are we still on for lunch tomorrow?" that's a text from Thembi, I totally forgot that she invited me out for lunch and I said I'd confirm, it was back when I was with nathi so I guess you understand how it slipped my mind.

"yes, totally" I respond "okay, I'll fetch you at 12" why is she fetching me when she could simply just send me the location. I don't even bother to ask. If it's lunch out then I better look gorgeous, I pick out an outfit for the lunch. A simple free flowing floral dress and strappy brown heel gladiator sandals. And I'm off to bed.

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