Chapter 10

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I'm fast asleep when I get disturbed by cold hands making their way around my waist, I get stuttled a bit before it registers that Muzi is actually around. We had sex. It was one of the most uncomfortable feelings, intimacy with Muzi is all about satisfying him, as soon as he is satisfied he gets off me and goes off to sleep while I figure out how to get myself cleaned up.

I take a shower, but this time it's different, I am not shedding any tears, which is a first, I guess I'm used to this. After taking the shower I head back to bed and check my phone to see what time is it. It's just after 2am. I doze off again.

*the next morning*
I wake up to the sound of my phone ringing. It's my sister, "Thembi..."i answer in my sleepy voice." you cannot be serious, we have lunch in the next 2 hours and you're still asleep, come on Yaya"

I quickly jump up out of bed "I'll be ready by the time you come through to fetch me, or just send the location", I say while trying to make the bed

"oh no little sis, I'll fetch you at 12h00, bye" with that she hung up. I took a shower, I'm not feeling well today, it must be because of what happened between Muzi and I overnight.

I take a shower, brush my teeth and head downstairs to prepare breakfast, there's a dish covered on top of the kitchen counter with a sticky note next to it. "had an early morning, enjoy breakfast, I'll see you later"

I can't help but wonder why the sudden change of heart, I wonder where the other woman is.

Anyway, I dig in and it tastes delicious, anyone who knows me knows that I'm a sucker for toasted bread with avo and cheese. After breakfast I rush upstairs with just 30 minutes before Thembi gets here.

I get dressed in a pair of black ankle length wripped jeans, a black baggy "F.r.i.e.n.d.s" T-shirt and black airforce sneakers, I straightened my hair. I really need a salon visit, my hair looks a bit messy.

Just as I'm packing my bag, my phone vibrates and it's a message from Thembi "I'm outside"

I quickly fill my bag with anything that I think I'll need then one more look on the mirror before I practically run downstairs. She's driving her blue GTI, my sis is the rough and a bit ghetto type but she's soft and sensitive as well. "heyyyy big sis" I say as I get comfortable in the passangers seat. She shoots me a look "come on I'm sorry, I mean sengikhona nje" she chuckles a bit before she starts driving off.

"Uphi uMuzi?" she asks, I don't know what to say honestly, I hate this conversation. "Ukhona sisi, he's at work, he was home last night", she quickly turns to look at me "oh you don't say..." I fill her in on the events that happened last night and obviously she'll show a bit of pity, which I've grown to hate, I hate it when someone feels sorry for me.

We are now driving into Sandton city and she finds parking before we both head out. We walk towards mandela Square, those upclass restaurants, I wonder what's the occasion.

We walk in and we are led to those conference rooms, you know those that people book for private functions. We both walk in and it's nicely decorated.

But something shocks me though, my mother and my 2 sisters are also present. This is a surprise. Mbali walks towards us as she sees us, she gives us both hugs "yoh we thought you guys are no longer coming"

I just smile nervously, I haven't spent time with my mother and my sisters in such a long time, I cannot remember the last time I spoke to her. She's seated and in front of her is a beautiful birthday cake that reads "happy 60th birthday mama". Oh so this is the lunch that Thembi was inviting me to?

I look at her and she mouths a "sorry" I just look away. "sanibonani" I greet and "Yebo Ayanda, uyaphila?" that's my mum. I am still filled with so much resentment towards this woman, I don't think I'll survive being in the same room as her.

"Yebo ngiyaphila" that's all I manage to say. "well let's all take our seats I'm starving" Lungelo finally speaks after being so caught up in her phone. We all order drinks, yeah you guessed it, I ordered my orange juice. "bantwana bam, i brought you all here today because I want us to fix our relationship, I'm getting old now, ngizonishiya one day and I don't want you to turn out like my sisters and I over something that I could've fixed"

I'm blank, I don't even know how to feel about this, is she even being genuine? I mean what's there to fix? I'll still be stuck with a man that doesn't love me even after this petty lunch and her apology.

"Ayanda mntanami, I'm sorry, I know you still don't understand why we took the decision to marry you off, but one day it'll all make sense, we did what was best for you" is she listening to herself right now? Does she even know half of what I go through because of the decision they took about my life?

I just look down trying to surpress the tears but they find their way out. "your dad and I did what any loving parent would've done for their child..." I can't stand this. I cut her off just before she can finish this statement.

"listen mama, I forgave you, no need to make this seem like it had anything to do with me, i forgave you guys all a long time ago when I realised that I was stuck with this man for the rest Of my life, with no support from my family. But you know what, I hope one day you'll forgive yourself for allowing your child to go through so much emotional abuse just so you can maintain your reputation, I hope one day you'll forgive yourself for not protecting your daughter, I'm sorry that I disappointed you, but I was just a child, I needed you more than ever, but you thought it's best to send me off, I tried reaching out to you when he started treating me like trash and what did you say? Huh? " I wipe my tears and I look over at Thembi, she looks down.

Agreeing to all of this was a bad idea, my mother looks unphased, she doesn't even show the slightest of pity towards me, she doesn't care." I'm sorry to ruin your little family lunch with my sob stories, Thembi next time you wanna play happy family, please cut me out, I'm no longer a part of this family, umama no baba made it very clear when they sent me off to the Mabaso's" I stand up and grab my bag

"sorry for ruining your lunch" I then leave the room with my eyes filling with tears, I request an Uber ride back home, as soon as I get to my house, I head upstairs, I opened the bed covers and just cried myself until I eventually fell asleep.

"maGumede..." a familiar voice calls out, "maGumede.." I open my eyes slowly to be met by hazel brown eyes, it's Muzi. "are you okay?" I sit up while stretching myself, "yes I'm okay, what time is it?" he walks over to the window to close the curtains "its 8pm,how long have you been asleep? You're also still fully dressed, what's wrong?" he tries to sit next to me. I move a bit "I'm fine Muzi, I was just really tired that's all", "no you're not look..." "Muzi I said I'm fine!" I snap before getting up and heading out to the bathroom.

I take a long steaming hot shower then go out to the closet to look for my pj's, I notice Muzi left, his phone isn't on the side table nor are his car keys so he probably went back to her.

Oh well, I needed time alone anyway, I prepare a quick sandwich before switching on the TV to watch temptation island, the drama from all these reality shows is very therapeutic, it makes me forget about my own dramatic life I guess...

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