(Y/n) (L/n) is a man born from Xingese descent. His mother was born in Xing and moved to Amestris, where she met his father, who was a State Alchemist. (Y/n) later sets out to become a State Alchemist on his own. Being raised under a Xingese roof, (...
It's been a few weeks since Isaac's attack on Central and things have calmed down a bit, I've gone back to East City and Soma has returned to school there, and so far, everything has gone back to normal. Well, not everything...
Lately it's felt like a massive weight has been placed on my shoulder ever since I saw what Führer Bradley was capable of... I feel like a lot more people have been keeping their eyes on me than usual. Normally people will give me dirty looks because of what I did in Ishval, back there, I refused to kill any defenseless men and the women and children. It was senseless violence and I wasn't going to take part in it.
People often call me a coward for what I did. But I stand by my beliefs, what we did was wrong, we senselessly committed genocide against an entire race of people. And for what? Just some political gain? The only thing that annoys me more than this is the convoluted and sloppy political affairs of Xing.
(Y/n): (Sigh) I should probably get going... Soma's likely going to give me an earful for being late.
Speaking of Soma, some good things have been happening. For one, he's warmed up to Yellow Arashi, he really seems to like the cat. And secondly, he's warmed up to me more! While he still has yet to call me words like "Dad" or "Father" but, he's at least comfortable around me now. And in all honesty, that's all I could ask for.
???: What are you doing around here, Traitor!?
I look around and don't see anyone in sight. But it was only when I looked down and saw Major Comanche, otherwise known as the Silver Alchemist.
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Major Comanche: So!? What are you doing here, you traitor!?
(Y/n): (Sigh)... I'm too tired to deal with you. I don't know what you're doing in East City, and I don't care. I've got to get to school to pick up my son.
Major Comanche: Oh!? Your son! You mean that Ishvalan boy that you allowed to live!?
(Y/n): He's just a kid! You expect me to murder innocent women and children!?
Major Comanche: Yes! We had our orders, and you didn't follow them!
I look down at the Major. He's always been quick to jump on my back when it comes to Ishval, he relished the war and sometimes I can hear him talking about how many Ishvalans he killed and comparing it to other alchemists. It made me absolutely sick, hearing him treat the lives of innocent people as some sort of game, it was absolutely disgusting to me.
Regardless of that, I turn around and begin to walk away from the short Major. I am his senior officer after all. I don't really have to listen to him, especially if he's going to mock my son and his people.
As I continue to walk out towards Soma's school, I ended up bumping into Maes.