3rd Person POV
In the icy mountain base of Fort Briggs, an aide walked over to his commanding officer, Gartner, now sitting in the main office chair where General Olivier Mira Armstrong should have been sitting. Unfortunately, the general was taken away from her position, hauled off to Central Command for a thorough interrogation about the mysterious disappearance of General Raven.
Aide: So you think that General Armstrong had something to do with General Raven's disappearance?
Gartner: It seems so... However, she's too smart to leave any evidence behind.
Aide: Yes, that's true.
Gartner: Well anyway... The only thing we have to worry about is holding down this fort. As for the general... Well, I'm sure the tigers in Central will make sure she's taken care of.
Over in Central Command, Olivier was escorted through the halls of the command center so she could have a personal one-on-one meeting with Führer King Bradley. However, on her way through the command center, the general and her escorts happened upon a couple of soldiers walking through the halls. The Flame Alchemist, Colonel Roy Mustang, and his friend and now assistant, The Yellow Alchemist, Lieutenant Colonel (Y/n) (L/n).
Roy: General Armstrong. How nice to see you.
Olivier: Tch... I can understand you, (L/n)... But they posted you in Central, Mustang? You're well connected.
Roy: No, it's solely based on merit.
(Y/n): (Deadpan) And calling in a lot of favors.
Olivier: I see... That's rather rich coming from you, Mustang.
After a while, Roy, (Y/n), and Olivier all continued walking through the halls of Central Command, wanting to gather as much information they can out of each other for their own agendas.
Roy: So, what brings you today here, General?
Olivier: Führer Bradley summoned me. For an extended stay, I imagine.
Roy: Is that so... (Smiles) Well, sometime, we should grab some dinner.
Olivier: Your treat? I hope you know I could eat you into bankruptcy.
(Y/n): It's true, she can.
Roy: (Still smiling) Maybe we should skip dinner, then...
Olivier: I see... You're short on both money and nerve, huh? And you (L/n)? Do you have the nerve?
(Y/n): (Nervously chuckles) Eheh... I could handle dinner with you... As long as we split the check.
Olivier: Hm... We could work out an agreement.
Silently (Y/n) pumps his fist in excitement, knowing that he was able to get a one-up on Roy yet again, something which naturally frustrated Roy once again. Seeing that he needed to find some way to get Olivier back on his side, Roy had to try and bribe her with the one thing he did have to offer...
Roy: Maybe I could offer some flowers, instead.
(Y/n): (Slouches) Okay, now you're just being desperate...
Olivier: Hmph... (Walks ahead)
Roy: There are many fine florists here in Central.
Olivier: (Walks away) Are there?

The Yellow Alchemist (Riza Hawkeye x Male Reader)
Fanfiction(Y/n) (L/n) is a man born from Xingese descent. His mother was born in Xing and moved to Amestris, where she met his father, who was a State Alchemist. (Y/n) later sets out to become a State Alchemist on his own. Being raised under a Xingese roof, (...