Two Roads

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3rd Person POV

Amestrian soldiers were running through the hell that was Ishval during the Civil War. Explosions sounding off everywhere around them, making it impossible to take a break and catch your breath.

Roy: (Narrating) The power of one man doesn't amount to much...

As the Amestrian soldiers run towards an Ishvalan town, several Ishvalan warriors begin to open fire on the soldiers, mowing down several military officers. As more officers move in to try and take the city, the Ishvalans appear to be gaining the upper hand on their Amestrian enemies, until...


All of a sudden, the Ishvalans suddenly burst into flames, out of the dust cloud, Roy Mustang walks out clenching his fist.

Roy: (Narrating) But however little strength I'm capacities of... I'll do everything humanly possible to protect the ones I love... And in turn, they'll protect the ones they love.

We now trade the trenches of war, to several military officers standing around talking to their friends and comrades, among the crowd, are Roy Mustang and Maes Hughes.

Roy: It seems like the least we tiny humans can do for each other.

Maes: Sounds like a pyramid scheme. There's just one thing... (Pushes up his glasses) If you intend to protect everyone, (points to command) then you're going to have to find a way to stand at the top of the pyramid.

Maes points to a podium where atop the stage, stood, Führer Bradley, watching over all of his soldiers.

Roy: I can only imagine what it must be like up there, Hughes. Although, I'll never be able to find out without all the support I can get. There's no doubt about that.

Maes: (Places his hand on Roy's shoulder) You're not very subtle. You've got my support, but you could have just asked me. It ought to be fun to watch though, and maybe your naive idealism will actually do some good.

The eyes of both Führer Bradley and Roy Mustang both lock, Roy glaring at Bradley, knowing that one day, the title of Führer will belong to him.

End Flashback

Riza: Colonel... Colonel...

Roy opens his eyes, waking up from his nap that he desperately needed.

Riza: There is an open bunk in the barracks if you need a nap.

Roy: (Tired) (Sigh) I'm fine... Still need to organize and pack up all my paperwork before I transfer to Central. I haven't had much time for sleep.

Riza: It looked like you were having a pretty vivid dream there.

Roy: (Softly smiles) Not really... It was just an old memory...



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