Christmas Special (Non-Canon)

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3rd Person POV

Christmas time. The most wonderful time of the year. Central was lined with so many colorful lights, the smell of cakes and pies are absolutely everywhere, and most of all, snow covered the streets and buildings in the city.

As it would appear, there were only about eight days left before Christmas, and school was just about to be released for the last time, on the inside, Soma, Obito, Rin, and Nana were all impatiently tapping their feet, waiting for the final bell to ring.

Elsewhere in Central Command, the military was also rather festive. Havoc was once again, pestering Roy to let him take a break for the holidays so he can spend time with his new girlfriend.

Furey, Breda, and Falman were all discussing plans to go and see their families.

Lastly, Roy and Riza, the two of them were working on some paperwork, both of them in pure silence until...


The door suddenly bursts open and in comes (Y/n) wearing a Santa hat, and he was also carrying a tray of drinks.

(Y/n): Merry Christmas, guys!

Roy: (Pinches his eyes) Why do you bother to break the doors down... You're almost as bad as Major Armstrong.

(Y/n): Well now that's just rude. Hmph. Well I guess no hot chocolate for you then.

(Y/n) sets his tray down and hands a mug of hot chocolate to Riza, and takes the second one he brought for himself.

Riza: (Sips hot chocolate) Ahh... Thanks for that, (Y/n). This really helps with the cold.

(Y/n): Ah it's no problem. Just take it easy for now, we've got a little over a week left until Christmas. So I'm gonna take some time off to spend it with my folks and Soma.

After dropping off the hot chocolate, (Y/n) heads out of Central Command and begins to head off to Soma's school, the bell quickly approaching.


As the upper levels of Central were preparing for the holiday season, a dark and sinister plot was being hatched from below.

Envy was prancing around the other Homunculi's lair, however, his prancing wasn't that of holiday cheer, it was of anger and frustration.

Envy: (Groans) All those stupid humans and their stupid traditions! What's the deal with this whole, "Christmas" thing anyway?

Lust: (Filing her nails) Envy can you keep it down. You're being rather annoying.

Envy: Oh shut up, Lust. I can't take all this cheer, and friendship, and joy and jolly! It's so obnoxious and I can't stand it!

Lust: If it bothers you that much then just go to sleep for the next few days, everything should blow over by then.

Envy: Ugh... Fine!

Envy heads off to his bed and goes to sleep, hoping that everything will blow over by the time he wakes up.

Oh how wrong he would be...


The week of Christmas has arrived and the holiday festivities are in full swing. The lights shined brighter than ever before, the smells of sweet Christmas treats were all over the streets. Only two days left...

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