(Y/n) (L/n) is a man born from Xingese descent. His mother was born in Xing and moved to Amestris, where she met his father, who was a State Alchemist. (Y/n) later sets out to become a State Alchemist on his own. Being raised under a Xingese roof, (...
In Central, a young woman walks through the dimly lit hallways of her apartment complex, trying to reach her room so she could wash off the stress of the day... Though, that was a little bit harder than she would first thought... Considering every shadow could be a new threat that she would have to face... Riza Hawkeye walked through the apartment complex, doing something extremely unlike her... Nervously shaking as she walked towards her door.
Upon opening the door to her room, Riza was met with a terrifying sight, as she looked into the deep pitch black darkness of her room, she saw two glowing eyes staring back at her... Having just come back from her terrifying encounter with Pride, Riza gasped in horror, thinking that Pride had followed her back home to finish the job...
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Shocked, and slightly scared and nervous that Pride returned to finish the job and kill her, Riza timidly walked into her room, nearly preparing to reach for her gun to defend herself from what was hiding in the shadows... However, luckily, as it turned out, it was just Black Hayate, who walked out of the shadows so he could greet Riza with his standard puppy eyes.
Realizing that she was okay, Riza let out an exhausted sigh, sinking down onto her floor in exhaustion from the stress she was feeling. Being spooked by her own dog... How low had she fallen...? All she could do was rest her head, thinking back to Selim, or rather, Pride's haunting last message...
Pride: No matter where you are... I will be watching you... From the shadows...
The sniper shudders from Pride's threat, unsure as to if he was serious about being able to watch her from all the shadows around her, however, the young lady didn't have much time to think about it, seeing as her phone suddenly started ringing, shocking Riza considering how late it was right now.
Nervously, Riza gets up and heads towards her phone. As the phone continued to ring, Riza couldn't help but feel a small sense of dread rush over her, after all, there was no way of telling who was on the other line, for all she knew it could be Bradley to make another threat... But then again, she had no way to know if it wasn't Bradley. So, semi-reluctantly, Riza picked up the phone and lifted it to her ear...
Riza: Hello...?
Roy: Hello there, madam. This is your neighborhood florist.
Luckily, it was just Roy on the other side of the line, calling her in his usual grand bravado as a way to deflect the shame that he was likely feeling after spending a lot of his money on all those flowers... Effectively making him the new florist in town. Though it definitely didn't seem like Riza found much amusement in Roy's little muse.
Riza: (Slightly irritated) (Sighs) Ah... What are you talking about, Colonel?
Roy: Uh... Sorry. I kinda got drunk and somehow bought a car-full of flowers. Wanna do me a favor and take some off-