Belly of the Beast

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3rd Person POV

Below Central, a cell room was left mostly empty. "Mostly" being portrayed by a couple of dogs in the room.

After a while, Envy walked in the room, carrying a tray of food, supposedly for the prisoner left in the room.

Envy: Oh, no, not again... We've told you, you're an important candidate for sacrifice. (Sits down) We need you to keep your strength up. Understand? So dig in... Dr. Marcoh.

Envy reveals that the prisoner in the Homunculi's lair, is Dr. Tim Marcoh himself. When Breda visited the village that Alex, Edward, and Alphonse visited following the Freezer incident and found Marcoh's home empty and ransacked, it turned out to be that he was captured by the Homunculi.

Dr. Marcoh: You know what..? I've been sitting here awhile... Trying to decide what you mean by "sacrifice"... Trying to find out why I'm here... And what it is exactly you want me to do... I'm fairly certain that what you're doing right now is using this country and it's people to form a giant transmutation circle. And your hope is that the end result will be the creation of a Philosopher's Stone. Am I wrong?

Envy: So close... Not quite... But you're on the right track.

Dr. Marcoh: Then what is it?

Envy: The question is... Are you going to cooperate with us or not? If not, the village is history.

Marcoh was completely shocked when Envy revealed if he didn't cooperate with them, then the Homunculi would destroy the village where Marcoh had lived for a while after the war.

Envy: Lust told me about your arrangements... If we agree to leave the village alone, then you'll do whatever we ask. So, which is it? Agree to work with us, and kill everyone in this country... Or refuse to work with us, and watch everyone in your beloved village die.

All the people from Marcoh's village flash through his mind. All the people who placed their trust in him, the very man who preformed so many unlawful and morally wrong experiments on live subjects.

No matter what, Dr. Marcoh couldn't betray their trust and leave them to die, but on the other hand, he would be dooming the entire country to be doomed for a horrible fate.

Envy: Fool. You just have to forsake one little village to save an entire country... Too bad you don't have the stomach to do the logical thing. (Laughs) I shouldn't be surprised. That's just how all you humans are. You put emotions before common sense. I killed a man like that once... (Grabs a knife) All I had to do was turn into his wife and he was completely helpless, he couldn't even fight me. (Stabs the knife in the steak) Humans are so easy to take advantage of... Lucky us.


Elsewhere, at the residence of Führer Bradley, the aforementioned Homunculi was walking through his home, however, deep in the shadows, he heard a voice calling out to him...

Mysterious Voice: The humans seem to be giving you a lot of trouble lately, don't they, Wrath... First Scar gets away from you, then those other make off with Gluttony. It's not like you.

Bradley: Yes... You are right about that.

Mysterious Voice: And yet, you seem... Happy.

Bradley: Yes, I won't deny it... This has been... Enjoyable. I've been alive for almost sixty years. And now, here I am, in the ultimate position of power. All has gone exactly as Father had planned it would.

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