Undying Death

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3rd Person POV

Gunshots sound off in the tower where Riza was hiding out. Currently, she was working hard to fight off Gluttony and keep him from devouring her.

However, in her panic, Riza accidentally dropped her headset on the ground, leaving Roy in the dark when it came to what's happening.

Roy: Elizabeth! Hey! What's going on!?

A horrible and dark thought enters Roy's mind, the thought that Riza was being shot and killed while in the line of duty. In his rage, Roy slams the phone down and gets up to head to Riza's aid.


Back with Alphonse, he and Winry were still speaking to Ling about his secrets for obtaining his immortality.

Ling: So this piece of information is supposed to be confidential, but whatever... Barry told me the Colonel's got a plan to smoke out some military guys he's been after. The one's from the fifth something or other.

Alphonse: The Fifth Laboratory...

Winry: Al...?

Knowing that the Fifth Laboratory is playing a major role in Roy's new plan, Alphonse gets up to provide his assistance to the mission.

Alphonse: I have to go. This could lead straight to the person who killed Lieutenant Hughes.

Alphonse turns to leave, but is unfortunately stopped mid-motion by Ling calling out to him.

Ling: Huh? Hey, not so fast! Tell me your secret, first!

Alphonse: (Turns to Ling) I'll tell you when I get back, okay?

Ling: Oh, c'mon, that's so unfair!

Alphonse: (Turns to Winry) I'll be back, okay.

Naturally, Winry was worried for Al's safety, but at the same time, she's more than aware that trying to reason with him and Edward is like talking to a brick wall, so, reluctantly, she has to let him go.

Winry: Okay... Just be careful...

Alphonse: I will... I promise.

Alphonse turns away from his friends and runs off to help Roy and his team with their plan to smoke out the traitors in the military, leaving Winry alone with Ling.


Back in the tower, blood was spilling all over the floor, however, thanks, it was Gluttony's blood, unfortunately, he was still standing and now strangling Riza with his hands while recovering from another bullet wound.

Gluttony: Are you all done now...? Then it's time to eat you!

In defeat Riza drops her gun on the ground, completely out of bullets to fight back against Gluttony, Riza practically resigns herself to her death...

Gluttony, opens his mouth, preparing to eat Riza and showing her the location of his Ouroboros tattoo, Riza closes her eyes in fear, not wanting to see the pain she was about to go through, but thankfully, she had a savior...

(Bark! Bark!)

Suddenly, Black Hayate comes running in the tower and starts to chomp on Gluttony's neck. Due to the shock, Gluttony tossed Riza aside, throwing her into the wall and causing a crack to form.

The Yellow Alchemist (Riza Hawkeye x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now