The Immortal Legion

630 16 13

3rd Person POV

Deep beneath Central Command, several Philosopher's Stones floated in a massive tank of red liquid. Soon, the liquid all started to flow through the pipes, flowing into the bodies of several strange mannequin-like creatures. The tubes attached to the creatures suddenly detached from their backs, causing them all to collapse onto the floor.

Despite now just being filled with new life, the creatures all groaned in pain and agony, like their very existence was a crime and they were in constant pain. Sanding down at the end of the hallway, the scared doctor and lead scientist watched in horror as Harris smirked and laughed as the immortal legion came to life... However it was clear, these... Things... Weren't truly alive, they were effectively like bastards of evolution, of life in general. Their lives were one constant state of pain and agony as they all cried out in pain, screaming that it hurts, they were starving, crying out for salvation.

Harris: (Chuckles sadistically) So you were saying that the tests aren't done yet? Well then, here is your test! I'd say it's successful! Undying... Obedient... Invincible soldiers who will fight whoever we order them to. We have our immortal legion at long last!

Mannequin Soldier: Pa...Pa...?

Harris: (Laughs) Haha! Yes! I am your father, son! And now, I want you to listen closely... There are many renegade elements... And they want to take us over.

As Harris continued to rant and monologue to the soldiers, one of them slowly started to lumber towards the corrupted soldier, seemingly not even registering the orders it was being given, focusing only on its "father" as it got closer... And closer... And closer...

Mannequin Soldier: (Smiles) Papa...

Harris: You men have a job to do-

Suddenly, the mannequin soldier lunged forward and bit into Harris's shoulder, knocking him to the ground. Soon, several more soldiers lunged onto Harris's body as well... And they all proceeded to devour him, tearing him apart, limb from limb, as their "papa" satisfied their unending hunger.

Off to the side, the scientist pressed himself against the test tubes in horror, however, upon bumping into the tube, the legion stopped their feeding... Turning to the scientist, the creatures all stared at him... Looking at him dead into his eyes with their own soulless eyes...

Pulling out his own gun in fright, the scientist shot at his own creations, trying desperately to kill them before they could eat him too. However, despite putting multiple bullet holes in their bodies, where their brains and hearts should be, they didn't stop moving, they continued to walk and live.

The scientist unloaded his entire magazine into the legion, but it wasn't enough. The creatures were all perfectly fine and still full of "life". The monsters all walked towards the scientist, who cried out in fear, begging them to leave him alone... However, these creatures ignored their creator's commands and continued to walk towards him, and soon, his screams echoed throughout the chambers as his glasses fell to the ground and shattered... As he too was devoured.


Further above the ground, near the gate that leads beneath the Fifth Laboratory Edward and all of his allies all stood up and stared at the gate. This room, with the floor still charred from when Roy and (Y/n) killed Lust... The massive stone wall Alphonse made to shield himself and Riza from the attack... And even Barry the Chopper's remains... All of them were still left behind. The root of all of this country's problems... All lie beyond this door... In this very room.

Zampano: That's quite a doorway.

Darius: The air here seems foul. You're sure this is it?

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