The Distant Brawl

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3rd Person POV

Footsteps slowly approach the group of officers, Riza and (Y/n) both take notice of this and look off into the alleyway they were in.

Both of them look over and see Scar standing before them his shadow looming over everyone just as the narrator starts to speak...

Narrator: Scar had once again made an appearance in Central...

Riza pulled her gun and prepares to open fire on Scar, however, Edward steps in to block her attack on Scar, wanting to keep him alive for their plans...

Narrator: Ed and Al worked together with Ling to draw the murderous Ishvalan's attention in an effort to lure out the Homunculi.

Edward and Alphonse both fight off Scar, hoping not to die so they can lure out the Homunculi to get some answers out of them.

Elsewhere, Ling and Lan Fan both stand atop a building, preparing to ambush the Homunculi when they arrive from Scar's attacks.

Narrator: Their strategy worked. Before long, the Homunculi Wrath and Gluttony appeared. However...

Picking off from last time, Bradley draws his swords, and rushes towards Lan Fan... And slashes her face, destroying her mask completely.

Ling: No, Lan Fan!!!

Lan Fan falls from the beam which she was standing on and starts to fall all the way down to the ground.

Upon landing on the building below, Lan Fan sprawls across the floor, dropping one of her kunai on the ground. However, it was also revealed that Lan Fan did manage to get a hit in on Bradley as soon his sword broke in half.

Bradley: Clever. You took a swipe at me with your kunai.

Gluttony: Can I eat her now?

Bradley: Just make it quick.

Gluttony yells in excitement that he's finally able to eat someone again. Once he got the green light from Bradley, Gluttony jumped in the air to make an attempt to eat Lan Fan, however, while Gluttony was in the air...

 Once he got the green light from Bradley, Gluttony jumped in the air to make an attempt to eat Lan Fan, however, while Gluttony was in the air

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Ling slashes Gluttony's head off, sending the Homunculi's blood everywhere!

Ling lands on the ground and immediately rushes over to Lan Fan's side to check on her and make sure she's alright.

Ling: Lan Fan! Please, stay with me!

Gluttony's body falls to the ground behind Ling and Lan Fan, whilst the young prince picks up his guard, Bradley slowly moves towards them.

Bradley: If you thought you could escape from me that easily, I'm afraid you'll find you're sorely mistaken!

Bradley immediately rushes towards Ling, the two warriors exchanging sword blows left and right.

The Yellow Alchemist (Riza Hawkeye x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now