(Y/n) (L/n) is a man born from Xingese descent. His mother was born in Xing and moved to Amestris, where she met his father, who was a State Alchemist. (Y/n) later sets out to become a State Alchemist on his own. Being raised under a Xingese roof, (...
A train rolls into its station, as the announcer calls out their destination to the passengers.
Attendant: Resembool! This stop, Resembool Station!
Once the train comes to a complete stop, Alex and Edward walk out the station, Edward still completely confused as to what he's doing back in Resembool.
Edward: Are you ever gonna tell me what's going on? This is starting to feel a little too much like a kidnapping!
Alex: I haven't been fully informed on the details. My only orders were to retrieve you and to rendezvous here.
Edward: Rendezvous? With who?
As the two alchemists walk down the road, Edward gets his answers to who he's meant to rendezvous with, as they both see Breda waiting for them.
Breda: I'm glad to see you made it alright, Major Armstrong, sir. (Sees Edward) Huh? (Smirks) Hey. S'up big guy?
Edward: (Shocked and confused) Ehhh? Lieutenant Breda!?
While Edward and Alex were meeting up with Breda in Resembool, Alphonse and Winry were still in Central, confused as to why Alex took Edward to Resembool in the first place.
Alphonse: This is weird... Brother should have arrived in Resembool by now. So why hasn't he called?
Winry: Yeah, and not to mention that he's got me here to do his repairs.
Alphonse: And all this stuff with Lieutenant Ross. I have no idea what's going on...
Ling: Good thing I can explain it all.
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Uhm... So apparently Ling somehow got into the room and once again just showed up out of nowhere, which as usual, caused...
Alphonse/Winry: (Screams)
Winry: When did you get here!?
Alphonse: And how did you even get in!?
Ling: (Points to the window) The window. I mean... It seemed appropriate for a criminal.
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