Avatar Roku

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Now that we got Uncle Iroh back safe and sound, we rode back to the ship but on the way we stopped by the nearby village where we assumed Aang had stayed. A man came out of his house clearly stressed and exhausted. He startled seeing us in front of him.

Having trouble sleeping?", Prince Zuko surprised him

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Having trouble sleeping?", Prince Zuko surprised him.
He pushed the man so that he fell to the ground.
"Seen the Avatar lately?"
The man was scared so I held Prince Zuko off from hurting the man more.
"Let me handle this, your majesty, please.", I pleaded.
He nodded. I closed the door so he wouldn't interrupt.
"Please, don't hurt me.", the man pleaded to me.

He thinks I'm like Prince Zuko and will hurt him.

I kneeled next to him and held my hand out to him. He hesitantly took it and helped him back on his feet.
"I'm sorry about the prince. He absolutely wants to capture the Avatar. Do you have any information about him?", I asked gently.
"I just know that he's heading to Crescent Island.", he answered.
"Anything else?"
He shook his head. I nodded in understanding.
"Thank you. Get some rest.", I adviced.
"I will.", he considerated.

I opened the door closing it again. I watched Prince Zuko spacing around.
"The Avatar is heading to Crescent Island.", I announced.
"Then let's go.", he ordered.

And so we went back to the ship heading straight to Crescent Island ... who was located in the FIRE NATION!

The next morning

Zuko's POV

We were sailing full spead ahead towards Crescent Island.

"Sailing into Fire Nation waters. Of all the foolish things you've done in your 16 years, Prince Zuko, this is the most foolish.", Uncle delivered behind me while I was looking through the telescope for the Avatar's beast.
"I have no choice, Uncle."
"Have you forgotten that the Fire Lord banished you? What if you're caught?"
"I'm chasing the Avatar. My father will understand why I'm returning home.", I said turning to him.
"You give to him too much credit. My brother is not the understanding type."

I turned back looking through the telescope. I found the Avatar's beast flying through the clouds.
"There they are. Helmsman, full steam ahead!", I ordered.


We continued following Appa. The soldiers brought the catapult on deck. One of them poured a stinky substance over the stone, the stench blew towards Uncle Iroh and I. He took out his fan.

"Really, Prince Zuko, couldn't you shoot them down with something more fragrant?", Uncle observed fanning himself.
"I'm gonna throw up.", I muttered holding my nose.
Prince Zuko lit the stone on fire, his hand in the air to give the soldier with the sword the signal.
"On my mark. Fire!", he shouted.

The soldier cut the rope releasing the catapult. The fire ball shot towards Appa but he avoided it. Suddenly I detected a blockade of ships obstructing our way to Crescent Island.

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