Book 2: Earth - Azula

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We had been sailing for three weeks on the raft without food and water. Now we were at the Fire colonies in the Earth Kingdom. We received a little cottage big enough for three people from the spa house. Dad and I were having a massage while Prince Zuko was leaning against the door frame. Dad sighed in relief.

"This is what I've been missing."
"Me too.", I agreed.
"Who knew floating on a piece of driftwood for three weeks with no food or water ... and sea vultures waiting to pluck out your liver could make on so tense?"
I giggled and looked at Prince Zuko. He hadn't said anything since we arrived. I turned to my masseur.
"You can do a little break."
He nodded bowing to me. I climbed off the massage table and wrapped the robe around me. I sat down next to Prince Zuko.
"I see. I remember the day. It's also your anniversary, isn't it?"
"Three years ago today, I was banished. I lost it all. I want it back. I want the Avatar. I want my honor, my throne. I want my father not to think I'm worthless.", he stated.
"I'm sure he doesn't. Why would he banish you if he didn't care?", Dad said behind me.
I turned to him with an 'are you serious' look. Prince Zuko stood up going out of the spa house.
"That came out wrong, didn't it?", Dad asked.
"Oh really?", I scoffed going back to the massage table, the masseur continued my massage.

3rd POV

A Fire Navy ship sailed on the way to the Fire colonies. On deck, the soldiers kneeled down while servants carried a palaquin. They sat it down and opened the curtain revealing the princess of the Fire Nation, Princess Azula, in her little throne.

 They sat it down and opened the curtain revealing the princess of the Fire Nation, Princess Azula, in her little throne

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She stepped out and walked down the stairs.

"My brother and my uncle have disgraced the Fire Lord and brought shame on all of us. You may have mixed feelings about attacking the royal family. I understand. But I assure you, if you hesitate, I will not hesitate to bring you down. Dismissed.", she declared.
The soldiers ran away instead the captain ran her.
"Princess, I'm afraid the tides will not allow us to bring the ship into port before night."
"I'm sorry, Captain, but I do not know much about the tides. Can you explain something to me?"
"Of course, Your Highness."
"Do the tides command this ship?"
"I'm afraid I don't understand."
"You said the tides would not allow us to bring the ship in. Do the tides command this ship?"
"No, Princess."
"If I were to have you thrown overboard, would tides think twice about smashing you against the rocky shore?"
He gulped down his fear and looked down.
"No, Princess."
"Well, then maybe you should worry less about the tides, wh0've made up their mind about killing you, and more about me, who's still mulling it over."
"I'll pull us in.", he bowed to Azula then ran away.
Azula looked at him with a suspicious and angry look.

Time Skip

It was sunset. Azula was training on deck. Her servants Lo and Li sat on each side of her palaquin. She created lightning then shot it out.

 She created lightning then shot it out

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