The Avatar, The Fire Lord and the Dragon Guardian

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"(Y/N), it's time you learn my history with Fire Lord Sozin. You need to understand how the war began if you want to know how to end it. Meet me and Roku with Aang on Roku's home island on the day of the summer solstice.", Ishii said.

I turned to my other side sleeping again.

Zuko's POV

I woke up because I heard footsteps. I jumped from my bed and opened the door. At the end of the corridor, there was someone running away. I wanted to follow but a scroll on the ground stopped me. I took opening it.

"You need to know the story of your great-grandfather's demise. It will reveal your own destiny.", I read.

The next day


Aang and I told the others about our dreams. Right now, disguise in a cloud, we were flying towards Avatar Roku's island.
"There it is. That's Roku's home.", Aang showed us.

We landed and climbed off

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We landed and climbed off.
"But there's nothing here.", Katara said.
"Yes, there is. An entire village. Hundreds of houses. All completely buried in ash.", Toph said.

Zuko's POV

I stood in front of Fire Lord Sozin's portrait.

"It's never early for a sitting with the court painter

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"It's never early for a sitting with the court painter. Make sure he gets your good side.", Azula walked pass me.
"Wait. I need to ask you something. What do remember about our great-grandfather?"
"Zuko, it's so strange how your mind works. Fire Lord Sozin began the war, of course. He spent his early years preparing for it, but he was as patient as he was clever. He famously waited for the comet, later renamed Sozin's comet and used its power to launch his invasion of the world. In the end, he died a very old and successful man.", Azula walked back to me.
"But how did he die?"
"Didn't you pay any attention in school, Zuko? He died peacefully in his sleep. He was ancient.", then walked away.
I looked back at the portrait.


At sunset, Aang and I took a meditating pose and closed our eyes. Opening them again, we were in the Spirit World at a cliff when Roku and Ishii flew to us on Roku's dragon. They smiled at us.

The Dragon Guardian (Zuko x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now