The Western Air Temple

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When we found land, we climbed off Appa and walked towards the Western Air Temple. I looked at everyone's sad faces.
"This is humiliating.", Katara said.
"Do you mean getting thoroughly spanked by the Fire Nation or having to walk alle the way to the Western Air Temple?", Sokka asked her.
"I think she meant both, Sokka.", I answered for her.
"Sorry, guys, but Appa gets tired carrying all these people.", Aang apologised.
"I wonder how the rest of the troops are.", Theo said.
"They're probably on their way to a prison. Seems like my dad just got out, now he's going back in.", Haru declared.
I laid my hand on his shoulder.
"We're gonna get them back. I promise."
He nodded in appreciation.
"I miss Pipsqueak.", The Duke said sadly.
"I miss not having blisters on my feet.", Sokka said.
Toph stopped walking.
"Hey, we're here. I can feel it."
The other looked at her confused.
"Uh, I think your feet need their eyes checked.", Katara said.
"No, she's right, we are here.", I agreed with Toph.
"How do you know that?", Sokka asked me.
"I was here once. It was one week after ... after Prince Zuko was banished."
"Wow, it's amazing.", Toph commented.

", Toph commented

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Zuko's POV

When I arrived at the Western Air Temple, I let a rope down the cliff and rappeled down. I swung back and forward then jumped. I landed in front of the Airbender statues. I remember the day I came here when I started the search for the Avatar.

"What a stunning view.", Uncle praised.
"The only view I'm interested in seeing is the Avatar in chains.", I declared, the bandage around my left eye.
"You know, the Avatar hasn't been seen for 100 years. The chances of finding him here are very slim."
"First, we'll check each of the Air Temples. Then we'll scour the world, searching even the most remote locations until we find him."
"Prince Zuko, it's only been a week since your banishment. You should take some time to heal and rest."
"What else would I expect to hear from the laziest man in the Fire Nation?"
Uncle sighed.
"The only to regain my honor is to find the Avatar. So I will."
I heard him walk away.

I pinched my nose in frustation. Then I heard growling and saw the Avatar's bison flying down toward the temple. I ran towards a pillar and watched how it flew down. I could see (Y/N) in the saddle. She looked sad.

I will make it up, (Y/N). I promise you.

I ran away back the air balloon.


We landed down to the plateform.
"It's so different form the Northern Air Temple. I wonder if there are any secret rooms.", Theo opinioned.
"Let's go check it go." Haru said.
Theo and the Duke followed him. Aang wanted too but Katara stopped him.
"You guys go ... I think we need to talk about some things."
We watched how Haru helped Theo up the stairs. Then Theo wheeled away and the other two followed him.
"Why can't I go?", Aang asked offended.
"We need to decide what we're gonna do now and since you're the Avatar, maybe you should be a part of this."
He sat down on a rock annoyed with his arms crossed.
"Fair enough. So what's the new plan?"
"Well, if you ask me, the new plan is the old plan. You just need to master all four elements and confront the Fire Lord before the comet comes.", Sokka said.
"Oh, yeah, that's great, no problem, I'll just do that.", Aang sarcasted.
"Aang, sweetie, no one said it's gonna be easy.", I said.
"Well, it's not even gonna be possible. Where am I supposed to get a firebending teacher?"
"We could look for Jeong Jeong.", Katara said.
"Yeah, right. Like we'll ever run into Jeong Jeong again."
"Who's ... Oh, never mind. If it's important I'll find out.", Toph wanted to ask but decided against it.
"Oh, well, guess we can't come up with anybody. Why don't we just take a nice tour around the temple?", Aang took his glider then flew away.
"What's up with him?", Toph asked.
"There's got to be someone who can teach him firebending.", Sokka wondered.
I knew someone but I didn't mention it.

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