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After two days travelling, we arrived at the Full Moon Bay. We boarded the ferry who would sailed all the fugitives to Ba Sing Se.

"Who would have thought, after all these years, I'd return to the scene of my greatest military disgrace? As a tourist!", Dad said with a goofy smile and a hat on his head.
"Look around. We're not tourists. We're refugees.", Zuko corrected harshly sipping from the food bowl then spitting the content out of his mouth, "I'm sick of eating rotten food, sleeping in the dirt. I'm tired of living like this."
I hugged him to comfort him.

"Aren't we all?", someone behind us said.
We looked behind us. A boy with wheat in his mouth approached us.

"My name's Jet, and these are my Freedom Fighters, Smellerbee and Longshot

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"My name's Jet, and these are my Freedom Fighters, Smellerbee and Longshot.", he introduced.
"Hey.", Smellerbee greeted while Longshot nodded as greeting.
"Hello.", Zuko greeted back.
"Nice to meet you three. I'm Gaojin, this is Lee and his uncle Mushi.", I introduced us three.
"Nice to meet you too Gaojin. Here's the deal. I hear the captain's eating like a king while us refugees have to feed off his scraps. Doesn't seem fair, does it?", Jet said.
"Totally not fair. It's like he's the fugitive.", I agreed.
"You totally get it."
"What sort of king is he eating like?", Dad asked.
"The fat, happy king.", Jet answered.
The answer made Dad drool.
"Soo want to help us "liberate" some food?", Jet asked me and Zuko.

Zuko's POV

I looked at the rotten food in my bowl. In anger, I threw it into the ocean.

"I'm in."
"What about you, Gaojin?", Jet asked (Y/N).
"No. Thank you Jet. I'm still recovering from my injury I got when we got attacked by Fire Nation soldiers a few days ago.", (Y/N) declined showing him her left shoulder.
"It's alright. Get some rest and we will collect the food."
She nodded at him in appreciation.

In the evening

A soldier carrying a lantern passed after we climbed up the stairs behind him. We passed windows of the kitchen seeing roast duck hanging from the roof and bowl on the table. Coming at the door, Jet broke it down. We started collecting the food while Smellerbee kept watch. We were nearly done collecting when Smellerbee said that guards were coming. We went outside. From below, Longshot shot the rope attached to the arrow so we could slide down before he tugged on the rope so the guard couldn't see the arrow.

Time Skip

I and the Freedom Fighters had done passing the stolen food to the refugees. We were sitting together in a circle with Uncle and (Y/N).

"So, Smellerbee, that's an unusual name for a young man.", Uncle said to her.
"Maybe it's because I'm not a man. I'm a girl!", she said offended.
She stood up walking away.
"Oh, now I see. It's a beautiful name for a lovely girl!", Uncle shouted after her trying to save himself.
It was already too late. Longshot stood up too following her.
"Well done, Mushi, well done.", (Y/N) praised sarcastically while eating noodles.
"From what I heard, people eat like this every night in Ba Sing Se. I can't wait to set my eyes on that giant wall.", Jet said sitting in front of us.
"It is a magnificient sight.", Uncle said.
"So you've been there before?"
"Once, when I was a ... different man."
"I've done some things in my past that I'm not proud of, but that's why I'm going to Ba Sing Se: For a new beginning, a second chance."
"That's very noble of you. I believe people can change their lives, if they want to. I believe in second chances.", Uncle said looking at me.


"I believe in second chances.", Dad said looking at Zuko.
That made me think.

If Zuko gets a second chance, will he finally forget about capturing Aang ?

"You may have done some bad things, Jet, but you already did a good thing before arriving in Ba Sing Se.", I said.
"What do you mean, Gaojin?"
"Look around you.", I gestured to all the refugees on the ferry, "Stealing that food to give it to these hungry refugees, shows that you deserve a second chance."
He smiled at my words.

The next morning

Zuko and I were at the front of the ferry looking out the horizon. I heard footsteps approaching us. It was Jet who stood next to Zuko.
"You know, as soon as I saw you scar, i knew exactly who you were.", he said.

Please don't say it, Jet!

"You're an outcast, like me. And us outcasts have to stick together. We have to watch each other's backs. Because no one else will."
I mentally sighed in relief that he didn't find out.
"I've realised lately that being on your own isn't always the best path.", Zuko said.
I took his hand and intertwined our fingers.
"It's never the best path.", I agreed with him.
We nearly arrived at the outer wall of Ba Sing Se.

Two chapters in one day. Love you Avatar fans. Comment if you like.

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