The Ember Island Players Part 3

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Zuko and I pulled away from the kiss.
"I think I just heard the others calling for us. We should go back inside.", I said.

We went back inside the theater holding hands. This time, I sat next to Zuko. During that scenes, I told about what really happened when I joined with the GAang. I heard footsteps coming. I turned around seeing Aang coming inside the theater and sat next to Sokka. He looked sad.

"Here's what you missed. We went to the Fire Nation, you got better, Katara and (Y/N) were The Painted Ladies, I got a sword and I think Combustion Man died. Look. The invasion about to start.", Sokka told Aang

The scene showed A Katara and A Aang on top of the submarine before the invasion.
"I just want to let you know, Aang, that I'll always love you. Like a brother.", A Katara said.
"I wouldn't want it any other way.", A Aang agreed.
They shook hands and nodded.

A Aang flew up while A Katara waved at her

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A Aang flew up while A Katara waved at her. A (Y/N), A Sokka and A Toph joined her on top of the submarine.
"Hey, Toph. Would you say you and Aang have a rocky relationship?", A Sokka joked.
The audience laughed, Sokka being the loudest.
"I told him to say that!", he cheered.
"I hope everyone's ready for the invasion. Slop-a-pow.", A Sokka added.
The audience again laughed, the loudest again: Sokka.
"Oh my god.", I hide myself on Zuko's chest in embarrassment.

The actors entered the Fire Lord's throne room.
"We finally made it to the royal palace, but no one's home.", A Aang said.
"Actually, I'm home. And I want to join you.", A Zuko entered the stage.
"My love.", A (Y/N) jumped at A Zuko and hugged him.
"I guess we have no choice. Come on.", A Sokka agreed.
They ran out of the stage to find the Fire Lord.

"I guess that's it. The play's caught up to the present now.", Sokka said standing up.
"Wait. The play's not over.", Suki pulled him back down.
"But, it is over, unless ... this is the future."

A Ozai entered the stage.

"With the energy harnessed from that comet, no one will be able to stop the Fire Nation!", he declared

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"With the energy harnessed from that comet, no one will be able to stop the Fire Nation!", he declared.
A fake comet was slowly flying towards the middle of the stage.
"Father, Zuko, the Dragon Guardian and the Avatar are at the palace. They trying to stop you.", A Azula warned.
"You take care of Zuko and the Dragon Guardian. I shall face the Avatar myself."
In a puff of smoke, he disappeared from the stage.

A (Y/N) in her dragon from, A Aang and A Zuko appeared on stage in front of A Azula.
"Aang, you find the Fire Lord. We'll hold her off.", A Zuko said.
A Aang flew up.
"You are no longer my brother. You are an enemy.", A Azula declared.
"No, I am the rightful heir  to the throne along with (Y/N)."
"We'll see."
They fight each other with the fake firebending. Then A Azula made fake fire appeared from underneat coming closer to A Zuko. It stroke him.
"HONOR!", he screamed.

"HONOR!", he screamed

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"NO", A (Y/N) yelled.
A Zuko went underneat the stage.
Back in her human form, A (Y/N) cried in pain on her knees for losing her love.
"Now, that Zuko is gone, you will have to choose. Will you obey me and the Fire Lord or would you like to join Zuko?", A Azula asked.
"Joining Zuko is better than to obey you."
"As you wish."
With a fake lightning, A Azula shot it at A (Y/N). It hit her chest making her fall on the ground.
The audience cheered. Zuko and I were shocked at the scene.

A Aang entered the stage in search for the Fire Lord.
"So you have mastered all four elements?", A Ozai wondered.
"Yeah, and now, you're going down.", A Aang declared.
"No, it's you who are going down. You see, you are too late. The comet is already here, and I'm unstoppable!"
A Ozai fought A Aang with his fake firebending. A Aang dodged them but then A Ozai shot out a fake fire stream which turned around A Aang.
"NO!", A Aang yelled and fell down dead.
A Ozai smirked in pride.
"It is over, father. We've done it.", A Azula appeared on stage behind him.
"Yes, we have done it. The dreams of my father and my father's father have now been realized. The world is mine.", A Ozai declared.
The audience beneat us stood up cheering while we had shock looks on our faces.

We went out of the theater walking back to the beach house.
"That wasn't a good play.", Zuko said.
"It's official. I'm never going back there.", I declared.
"I'll say.", Aang agreed.
"No kidding.", Katara added.
"Horrible.", Suki said.
"You said it.", Toph agreed.
"But the effects were decent.", Sokka praised.

Zuko's POV

When we arrived at the beach house, everyone went to their respective rooms. Suki and Sokka to my room, Katara and Toph to Azula's room and (Y/N) and I to my parents. Aang slept with Appa at the courtyard.

I was about to go to bed when I observed (Y/N) at the bedroom balcony. She was wearing my mom old nightrobe. The wind was blowing through her (h/l), (h/c) hair. She looked like my mother when I was little. I walked to her and wrapped my arms around her from behind, placing my head on her shoulder. I looked she was holding the concrete disc with my handprint.

"You kept it.", I wondered.
"You left it at the porch here. I took it with me because ..."
"Because I didn't want it to be stolen?"
I chuckled at her lie.
"Because I believe it's the last thing you have what reminds you of your mother.", she confessed.
"Speaking of my mother, what did you mean when you said that she brought you there.", I asked.
"Do you remember the time when we travelled around together?"
"When we seperated from Uncle? Yes I do."
"Well ... everytime I passed out, your mother brought me to your childhood. She showed me everything what happened. At the time, I didn't know why but then she told me that I was the Dragon Guardian. The Dragon Guardian who is supposed to protect the next Fire Lord in line. But actually the real mission is to protect those who she sees as family."
"And that is what you are doing now."
I hugged her closer.
"The time the comet appears is coming closer.", she mentioned.
"I know."
"I'm scared about what's going to happen."
"I'm scared too. But everything will be fine."
She turned to me so she could wrapped her arms my neck. I hugged her tighter when I felt my shoulder getting wet.

The day of the comet is approaching. Will the GAang succeed in defeating the Fire Lord and the Fire Nation?

Only four more episodes and my book will completed. My book reached more than 17 ooo READS and more than 550 approvals. Thank you so much Avatar fans.

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