Zuko and (Y/N) Together

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Three days since we had left Dad and been travelling on our own. Zuko was leading the ostrich horse while I was behind him, my arms around him. We came on a brigde. The ostrich horse stepped on it but suddenly his foot broke through. He got scared. Zuko got him back under control and we rode the rest of the bridge over. We continued when Zuko made the ostrich horse abruptly stop.

"What's wrong?", I asked.
"Do you smell that?"

I sniffed the air when I smelled meat not so far. We looked down seeing a couple how they were cooking a piece of meat over a campfire. Our stomachs rumbled. Zuko reached for his sword but I stopped him.

"Look!", I pointed at the woman how the man rubbed her belly

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"Look!", I pointed at the woman how the man rubbed her belly.
Zuko wanted to take the reins again but I hoped off the ostrich horse.
"What are you doing?", he asked.
"Wait here!"
I approached the couple.
"Excuse me?", they looked up at me,"My friend and I haven't eaten since yesterday and we don't have food. Can we ... can we please eat with you?", I held my rumbling stomach.
"Of course you can.", the woman said.
"Thank you!", I bowed to her.
I motioned for Zuko to come down. Together we ate the piece of meat. We even had a conversation.
"What are your names? My name is Ying and this is my husband Than.", Ying said.
"I'm Gaojin and this is Lee.", I presented ourselves.
"Where are you travelling?"
"We're just travelling around. We don't know where to go. And you?"
"We're travelling to Ba Sing Se. We want to be there before the birth of our baby.", Than said.
"Well, it looks like it's gonna be soon."
"Yes, we are so excited to meet him or her.", Ying rubbed her belly.

Zuko's POV

"We should move.", I said.
(Y/N) and I stood up. We bowed to the couple.
"Thank you for the meal!"
I hoped on the ostrich horse but realised that (Y/N) was still staying on the same place.
"May I?", she gestured to the woman's belly.
She nodded. (Y/N) knelt down to her and rubbed her belly. She looked so happy.

How I wish for her to be pregnant with my child!

I shook my head ignoring the thought.

I can't think about that know. I have to catch the Avatar first.

"Come on Gaojin.", I called out to (Y/N).
"I'm coming. Good luck to both of you."
She hoped behind me and we rode away.

Time Skip

We had been riding for hours. The animal started to grunt from tiredness. I took a sip from the water satchel realising it was empty. My view was blurred from being tired. I nearly fell off the saddle but (Y/N) prevented it.

"Zuko, let me lead. You're tired.", she said.
"I'm fine."
"You're not fine. Come on."

We switched places. I leaned my head on her shoulder closing my eyes. I saw a vision of my mother how she left me. I didn't know how long I slept but I was woken up by (Y/N).
"Zuko, look. There's a village.", she said.

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