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The way back to our apartement took us a whole day. Zuko had been stumbling around weirdly.

"You did the right thing. Letting the Avatar's bison go free.", Dad praised him.
"I don't feel right." Zuko said.

Suddenly Zuko fainted making a vase fall on the ground.

Suddenly Zuko fainted making a vase fall on the ground

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"ZUKO!", Dad and I yelled running at him.

We helped him into the bed taking off his shirt. He move around sweating hard and moaning in pain.
"You're burning up. You have an intense fever.", Dad said.
I took a rag from the water bucket then press it on his forehead.
"This will help cool you down.", I said.
He opened his eyes.
"So thirsty."
He sat up but I pushed him back down. Dad took the laddle from another water bucket.
"Here's some clean water to drink. Stand under the blankets and sweat this out."

He wanted to help Zuko drink but Zuko took the laddle from him and greedily drank it throwing the laddle over his shoulder then reached the bucket also greedily drinking the water even spilling it on his chest. He also threw it away like the laddle then laid down coughing. I pull the blanket over him.

"I'll go get more water, dear. Look after him.", Dad said taking the bucket.
I nodded. I took the rag from Zuko's forehead, put it in the water then pressed it back on his forehead.
"I'm here, Zuko."
"I'm sorry."
"For what?"
"For everything. You're right I should care more about my family not about me."
"It's okay. Rest.", I kissed his lips.
"I love you, (Y/N)
"I love you too."

Time Skip

Zuko's fever had gone down a bit but it's still high. Dad started to make tea to help the fever go down. Zuko started to groan. I pressed the wet rap on his forehead. He frowned in pain.

3rd POV

Fire Lord Zuko was sitting on his throne without his scar. A red and blue dragon are circling around him.

 A red and blue dragon are circling around him

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"It's getting late. Are you planning to retire soon, my Lord?", the blue dragon with Azula's voice said.
"I'm not tired.", Fire Lord Zuko answered.
"Relax, Fire Lord Zuko. Just let go. Give in to it. Shut your eyes for a while."
He was about to close his eyes but then the red dragon with his uncle's voice spoke.
"NO, Fire Lord Zuko! Do not listen to the blue dragon. You should get out of here right now. GO! Before it's too late!
"Sleep now, Fire Lord Zuko.", the blue dragon Azula said.

Suddenly everything went black. Fire Lord Zuko look around then saw the blue dragon.
"Sleep. Just like mother!", it said then attack him.
Then his mother stood in front of him.
"Zuko, help me!", she screamed seeing his reflection in her eyes.
Lastly he got sucked down by a carpet.


I believed he was having a nightmare. How hard he was sweating.

"You should know this is not a naturel sickness. But that shouldn't stop you from enjoying tea.", Dad said.
I helped Zuko sit up and Dad made him drink tea.
"What, what's happening?", Zuko asked.
"Your critical decision, what you did beneath that lake, it was in such conflict with your image of yourself that you are now at war within your own mind and body."
"What's that mean?", he coughed writhing on the side.
"You're going through a metamorphosis, my nephew. It will not be a pleasant experience. But when you come out of it, you will be the beautiful prince you were always meant to be."
"Everything will be alright, Zuko.", I reassured.

Time Skip

3rd POV

Zuko woke up seeing his uncle and (Y/N) sleeping next to him. He stood up going to the bathroom and splashed water on his face. Looking at the mirror, he got startled. He's bald with the Avatar arrow on his forehead but without his burn scar.

 He's bald with the Avatar arrow on his forehead but without his burn scar

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Zuko screamed in fright sitting up.
He panted heavingly touching his scar.
"Are you alright?"
"Yeah, it was just a dream."
I hugged him so his head was on my shoulder and rubbed his back.
"It must have been really scary to just be a dream. Do you want to talk about it?"
He shook his head.
"Alright. You know you can talk to me when you're ready."
He nodded falling asleep.

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