Sozin's Comet, Part 3: Into the Inferno

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We were on our way to the Fire Nation when Sozin's comet appeared behind us. I was worried for everyone but especially for Aang. Apparently I wasn't the only one.

"(Y/N), Zuko, don't worry. We can take Azula.", Katara reassured.
"I'm not worried about her. I'm worried about Aang. What if he doesn't have the guts to take out my father? What if he loses?", Zuko said.
"Aang won't lose. He's gonna come back. He has to."
"If he can't kill the Fire Lord, I volonter myself to do it.", I smirked.

Sokka's POV

The eel hound was swimming towards the island where the airship fleet would be.
"It's weird to say, but the comet actually looks beautiful.", Suki said.
"Too bad the Fire Lord will use it to destroy the world.", Toph mentioned.

We arrived at the island and climbed up to see the airship fleet taking off.
"We're too late. The fleet's already taking off.", I yelled.
"Then we're taking off to. Where's the closest airship?", Toph asked.
"It's right ..."

I hadn't time to point till Toph earthbended us up to the nearest airship. We walked towards the controlroom. Toph knocked on the door then metalbend it down using it as an armor against the fire. She fought against the firebenders by using the metal around the controlroom. The last soldier flew past us out of the controlroom. We looked inside how destroyed the controlroom was.

"That's how it's done.", Toph took off her metal armour.
"Good work, Toph. Time to control the ship. Take the wheel.", I said.
"That's a great idea. Let the blind girl steer the giant airship."
"I was talking to Suki."
"That would make a lot of sense."
"What are we gonna do about the rest of the crew?", Suki asked.
"Take us down closer to the water. I've got an idea."
I took the microphone and talked with my Wang Fire voice.
"Attention, crew, this is your captain speaking. Everyone, please report to the bomb bay  immediately for hotcakes and sweet cream. We have a very special birthday to celebrate."

Suki flew us down towards the water. I took the handle for the bomb bay opening and pulled it down. The crew fell down into the ocean. Then we flew towards the biggest airship where the Fire Lord would be.
"Fire Lord Ozai, here we come."

Iroh's POV

The White Lotus mens and I stood in front of the wall of Ba Sing Se.
"Ba Sing Se, the Order of the White Lotus is here.", Bumi said.
"Here to set you free.", Pakku added.
"Only once every 100 years can a Firebender experience this kind of power.", I said.

I took a few deep breaths to take the power of the comet into me. Then bend a giant fire ball to the wall and destroyed it.

 Then bend a giant fire ball to the wall and destroyed it

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Bumi bend the stone under us towards the wall. The others split up to fight off the Fire Nation soldiers.

Sokka's POV

I looked from the spyglass how the Fire Lord flew faster towards the Earth Kingdom.
"We're not gonna catch up to him in time.", I said.
"No.", Suki pleaded.
Fire Lord Ozai firebended at the island burning it down. The birds already flew away from the danger.

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